Friday, 4 November 2011

The Anvil Of History

Julian Farmer

3rd November 2011

When empires fall, chaos looms; it is inevitable. Examine Russia in 1992 only saved from complete collapse by American wheat shipped in secret by Clinton's administration, even if denied to please US Republican politicians, that like to see a tough stance with Communist powers. Today those same forces insist on placing a missile defence system around Russia; a Russia far removed from the days of the USSR. Yet that same Russia today that nobody ever imagined would exist in the darkest days of the Cold War, is increasingly anxious over NATO aggression and the missile shield that its Foreign Minister stated that any attack by NATO on Syria would not 'be allowed to happen'. One fears this may mean Russian intervention, possibly allied with China, both of which are friends of the Assad Dynasty.

We are now in a very dangerous period for world peace. One cannot emphasise enough this situation. The European elite meanwhile flounders in its efforts to save its much vaunted 'Euro-Zone', trying in its increasing desperation to throw trillions of Euros at the problem as Greece 'fails'. It should be clear to the brighter minds among them that Greece has already 'failed' and that only complete default and its voluntary removal from the Euro area will perhaps, for a while at least provide some stability but most importantly 'time' and 'space' for the elite to fully comprehend, one hopes the fallacy of a common currency spread across 17 different nations and cultures, moving at different economic speeds to one another, driven into eventual oblivion by German discipline and strong work ethic.

We are witnessing the collapse of two empires in effect. Firstly the American empire that has kept the world safe for over 60 years, then the one already mentioned above the intended European. Sometimes it is quite difficult to distinguish the two apart, as most discerning readers will have guessed correctly that the interests of the two coincide. Both however, if they were to survive would eventually clash head on, as is historically inevitable. Already British RN protection has been sought by Spanish politicians for illegal fishing of Canadian resources off Cape Cod. The Spanish and French are notorious for overfishing and unlike the British, their fishing fleets, have benefited enormously from the European Agriculture and Fisheries policy. It seems not to have occurred to the somewhat intellectually challenged MPs and Europhiles in Westminster, that a war for resources could force RN ships to face down a fellow Member of the Commonwealth under the same Monarch, Elisabeth II in the cause of a European superstate, one would have thought would hardly appeal to a Royal Navy that relied greatly upon Canadian ships, civilian and military as well as port facilities for life saving convoys of World War 2 and that might in the very near future be needed again, if the world economic crisis is pushed over the edge of no return by over ambitious politicians, European and American, in their obvious clear desire for a global state; a state that seems simply an over large 'Ponsi-scheme' to hoover up the resources of the globe. China and Russia are also competing for these same resources and confrontation in military terms is only a matter of time.

Looking at the wider global strategic picture, it is now clear that the 'Arab Spring' was an attempt by the globalists within the Elite on both sides of the Atlantic to expand their control of earth's resources but also to remove, regimes not in favour of their plans, so they had to go. Examining the situation in Iran and the presence of American and other NATO forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq, both of which flank her, it is clear that the outflanking of Iran was the major intention of the American strategic planners years in advance of the invasion of both and the 2001 catastrophe. The attack in September of that year gave the green light for these plans to be put into operation. It is also now all too clear, that the 'Arab Spring' was also part of that same global strategy, planned years ago.

Iran is surrounded but it has meddled and imperially socially engineered its own attempts to form a Greater Iran by taking advantage of the Globalist's desire for 'regime change', in using the very same Moslem Brotherhood organs funded and used by Iran to foster its own strategic aims, for system of Islamic client states stretching from the Atlantic to the Indian oceans. So here again we see a coming together, even if unwittingly, or perhaps even knowingly of 'opposed' forces to achieve short term aims with a view to their own longer term ambitions. For the Americans and EU, this would be a global order or 'New World Order' to form one of the many desired global regions, preparatory to UN Governance through a Euro-Med empire to join the others currently under way in North America and in the Asia-Pacific. Iran's counter moves to combat these desires and prevent its own current regime being changed, also inhabit the same geographical expansionist context so while opposing the final end, both the US, the EU and the Iranians find common cause in the removal of the likes of Gaddafi and Mubarak. Syria is a different matter altogether but even here, Iran would have access to the Mediterranean sea if she could annexe Syria using the same piggy-back strategy of Globalist ambitions, as she has elsewhere, in Egypt and Syria.

The Americans and Europe are in a truly desperate situation. Their economies are 'leveraged' many times their available Capital and in effect one massive 'Ponsi-scheme'; it would only take a slight puff of an economic wind, such as a failed Greece, followed by another failure of a bigger economy to bring the West in general to ruination. It could just be that the planners in the Pentagon knew this would happen and that the incumbent governments, that do indeed appear to be in slavish compliance with a powerful global banking-military-industrial machine and so in no position to refuse to launch a global war to save themselves from collapse, as did Hitler in 1939, as the only way to recapitalise the over extended Reich banks and 'grow' the economy, in order that the bankers and Corporations can gain trillions of Dollars. WW2 saved the Western economy in 1939, as in 1982 Galtieri tried to save his country's failing economy and regime by invading the Falklands. War is highly profitable, as is death of useless mouths in some minds.

The truth is that the West is in no position to wage a global atheist jihad of its own. British and American forces are already stretched to well beyond their limits. Rebellion is gathering on American and British streets, as witnessed in Wall Street and Oakland California recently. These huge growing movements are ignored by the Europhile Media and the US elite controlled networks. The American people have had enough of war, as have the Europeans of the antics of their own leaders, trying to extend their fantasies by printing increasingly worthless money. The NATO forces overstretched, the US-Euro banking systems failed, unable to wage the global wars they desire, Iran gloats as its agents for change so foolishly deployed by NATO, grab power across the North African littoral. An exhausted Europe full of perhaps 100,000,000 and more migrants in their midst, all followers of Mohammed will think twice before resisting the demands of the new Kaliphate arising on their southern shores. In trying to conquer the Arab world it will conquer Europe by default. This is the famous Croesus Factor. In 650BC, the King of Lydia was told by the Delphic Oracle that if he attacked the Persian Empire, an 'empire will fall'. His did as will the Globalists.......

Julian Farmer