Friday, 11 November 2011

Christian Concern

Christian Weekly News

In this edition:

  • Andrea runs NY Marathon
  • 83% of Christians oppose homosexual 'marriage'
  • Beyond Individualism - book now
  • Wilberforce Academy - applications open!
Christian Weekly News


Andrea completes New York Marathon

Last Sunday 6th November, Andrea crossed the finishing line of the New York Marathon in 4hrs 46mins.

Read her reflections on the experience and watch some footage of the marathon on Andrea’s blog >

A massive 'thank you' to all of you who sponsored her. All the money Andrea has raised will go towards the work of Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre.

So far, Andrea has raised 80% of her fundraising target.

Visit Andrea’s marathon donation page to help her reach her target >

83% of Christians opposed to Same-sex 'Marriage'

A new poll by ComRes has found that a massive 83% of church-going Christians in the UK are opposed to plans by the Conservative Party to legalise homosexual marriage, and 57% of all respondents are ‘less likely to vote’ for the party because of this move.

The poll results are likely to be viewed as very concerning by the Conservative Party, as church-going Christians represent several million votes.

Read More >

Beyond Individualism

You are warmly invited to a special conference in London to consider the future of Christian political engagement across Europe. The event is a joint initiative with the European Christian Political Movement and the Christian Peoples Alliance.

A limited number of sponsored places are available so please book soon.

Further details >

Speakers include: Phillip Blond, Lord Glasman, Os Guinness, Franck Margain, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali and Andrea Williams.

Conference dates: 25th - 26th November 2011.

Wilberforce Academy

Please join us on our annual Wilberforce Academy, a highly popular week-long course in Oxford designed to equip the next generation of Christian leaders in public life.

We’re looking for students and young professionals with a passion to serve Jesus Christ in a variety of vocations including law, politics, education, media, healthcare, arts and business.

The course runs from 25th – 30th March 2012. Would you or someone you know benefit?

Applications Now Open – Find out more >