In this edition:
Christian Concern brings you cutting edge stories week by week, to equip the church to act and pray, to restore the hope of Christ to the centre of our nation.
Please visit our website at: Beyond Individualism
You are warmly invited to a special conference in London to consider the future of Christian political engagement across Europe. The event is a joint initiative with the European Christian Political Movement and the Christian Peoples Alliance.
A limited number of sponsored places are available so please book soon.
Further details >
Speakers include: Phillip Blond, Lord Glasman, Os Guinness, Franck Margain, Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali and Andrea Williams.
Conference dates: 25th - 26th November 2011.Sex and relationships education – response needed
The Government is facing pressure to make Sex and relationships education compulsory from the age of five and to limit or even remove the rights of parents to withdraw their children from it.
Get the briefing to help you respond > (produced by the Family Education Trust)
The Department for Education is currently conducting a review into PSHE education, which includes sex and relationships education.
Your response will make a difference. Just fill in the Department for Education’s consultation >(questions 3, 5 and 6 are the most important) Wilberforce Academy
Please join us on our annual Wilberforce Academy, a highly popular week-long course in Oxford designed to equip the next generation of Christian leaders in public life.
We’re looking for students and young professionals with a passion to serve Jesus Christ in a variety of vocations including law, politics, education, media, healthcare, arts and business.
The course runs from 25th – 30th March 2012. Would you or someone you know benefit?
Application deadline now extended – Apply soon! >
Friday, 18 November 2011
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Britannia Radio