I likes a pint, and remember when at 13P per pint it was thought to be very expensive.
And don't forget, and this is one of the reasons 50 pubs a week are closing, that beer, made with an infinite resource, costs a massive £28 a gallon!! Over four times the price of the finite resourced petrol. £28 / gallon - how can that be right????
No wonder our culture of social intercourse has gone for a ball of chalk - and nobody thinks anything about it. Drinking and driving laws? Oh yes they're OK - but they're another nail in the coffin of our culture. Sometimes laws have an undesired outcome so be careful what you wish for.
Just bear this in mind, that the price of a GALLON of petrol is around £6.18 per gallon. If you recall the unrest when petrol was about to hit even £3.00 a gallon, is there any surprise that Government want us to use metric units so that they can fool us into far higher petrol prices (tax, that is) than we’d otherwise have accepted without rioting and demonstrations. This, because it is the price per unit that we react to and litres are far smaller than gallons - which our cars actually burn. We get so many miles per gallon. We do not measure our consumption (yet) in miles per litre, not least because that would give us such atrocious figures that we’d sell our cars and buy bicycles.
Our petrol gauges, though marked only in quarters of a tank, are sub-consciously quantified in our minds in Gallons (I would suggest). Because we know that the tank holds x number of gallons and so we estimate usage according to the approximate number of gallons consumed by the position of the gauge needle.
Some will no doubt tell me I am mistaken. However, I really do not believe that very many British people are so well acquainted with metric that they estimate fuel usage from their gauges in litres. Because litres are so small as to not really register any movement of the needle on the gauges provided in cars.
It is all part of a very big CON TRICK. The “confuse, divide and conquer the British people” syndrome. Deliberately done to destroy our British way of life. THIS is why we have to rid ourselves of metric measurements (entirely foreign influence) when our Constitution still does not permit foreign influence in this British country - by law.