Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Do you care?

Dear Friend,

Are you aware that there is a movement sweeping the internet and through email coverage that is totally ignored by the media?
This movement wants to terminate our membership of the EU, totally stop immigration and control the spread of Islam and its Sharia Law.

Did you know that Edward Heath and his government committed treason when they signed the UK up to the EEC (EU). They did this by violating our Constitution which forbids any foreign power from interfering in our internal affairs. This means that our membership of the EU is illegal. Secret and confidential documents, made at the time in 1972, from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office were revealed under the Freedom of Information Act. These documents can be seen on this website Here

Unlimited immigration, a result of being in the EU, is out of control and causing great damage to this country. Our politicians are ignoring our concerns and not doing the job we elected them to do. Today's breaking news about the shameful relaxation of immigration checks by the Boarder Agency is a classic example.

A serious side issue of this insane immigration policy is the rise of Islam and their campaign to have Sharia Law implemented here. Whilst Christians are openly persecuted, blind eyes are being turned to the excesses of Muslims.

What are your feelings on these issues?

Do you care?

Do you feel it has nothing to do with you?

Do you feel that it will all come-out-in-the-wash?

Do you feel that there is nothing you can do about it?

If you are one of these then the rest of this email will be of no importance to you. Please advise me and I will remove your name from my address book. Thank you forgetting this far.

For all you others.

Do you feel frustrated that you can't do anything about it?

Would you do like to try and do something about it?

In the absence of a negative response from you I would be pleased to include you in my list of people who would like to receive more information as to what is going on to bring about changes to the above concerns.


The Evidence Files

Here is a list of the documents stored within this site. Please print them off and read them at you leisure. When you are convinced as we are that this is nothing less than subversion and treason please deliver them to your local police station For a brief outline of what to say to the police please read this article first. There is some more information on dealing with the police here. If you would like this information on a CD pleaseContact Us with an address to post it to.


All Source Documents [linked]

Anthony Royle report

Anti Common Market leaflet - 1971

Draft fact sheet on the implications for sovereignty

European Integration Dept - Monnet

FCO conspires on KBO

FCO IRD plans

FO EID Town Twinning

Government tracking Enoch Powell

Hansard EC Bill 2nd reading

Hurd's letter on Heath

Meetngs Lord President's Office

Rippon on sovereignty

State of parties St John Stevas

All Source Documents [linked] [top]

Anthony Royle report [top]

Anti Common Market leaflet - 1971 [top]

Draft fact sheet on the implications for sovereignty [top]

European Integration Dept - Monnet [top]

FCO conspires on KBO [top]

FCO IRD plans [top]

FO EID Town Twinning [top]

Government tracking Enoch Powell [top]

Hansard EC Bill 2nd reading [top]

Hurd's letter on Heath [top]

Mtngs Lord President's Office [top]

Rippon on sovereignty [top]

State of parties St John Stevas [top]