From the desk of David Baeckelandt on Sun, 2011-11-13 18:51 As a Flemish American, I'm proud of what the people and the values of Flanders have contributed to the foundation of the United States of America. Time has come to recognize this unknown contribution. Sign my petition at November 7th was the date in the year 1609 that the rascal Henry Hudson - after accepting money, men, maps, and materiel from the Flemings Dirck Van Os, Petrus Plancius, and Judocus Hondius (and after being recruited by Emanuel Van Meteren) docked into Dartmouth, England. He had just "discovered" the Hudson river valley, an abundantly rich region. Although Hudson never returned, within one year (July 26th, 1610) the Antwerp emigre Arnout Vogels dispatched a ship (de Hoope) to trade for beaver pelts with the Amerindians. From the desk of AWR Hawkins on Fri, 2011-11-11 13:36 Ours is a time of social upheaval and seismic paradigm shifts. The world is changing before our eyes while we Westerners sit still, seemingly lost in the belief that our passivity will somehow bring peace. On our televisions, reports of beheadings, stonings, and suicide bombings regularly fill large portions of a news hour that was not so long ago devoted to car accidents, train wrecks, and market fluctuations. Islamists are steadily marching upon the West with conquest in their eyes, and little has been done to stop or even to slow them down. All the while, renowned institutions, press outlets, left-leaning politicians, and university professors are stepping on themselves to assure us that radical Islam and the West can co-exist, but reality seems to argue for another conclusion altogether. From the desk of George Handlery on Thu, 2011-11-10 15:49 “Duly Noted” likes to address the growing inconsistencies that describe the immigration policy of the West’s developed countries. Europe, the USA, and Australia suffer from a self-imposed inability. The moving force of the matter is that the rules of the PC game prevent them from formulating a meaningful and up-to-date policy. To the extent that there is a policy on the books, little as mandated will be allowed to happen. Influenced by theory-based paroles and the palliatives of PC, states suffer from a corresponding lack of determination to enforce their own laws. The Flemish Claim To Discovering And Settling America: Timeline & Petition
Civilization Or Not? The West Must Decide
Immigration And Invasion
Sunday, 13 November 2011
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Britannia Radio