Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Foreign Confidential ™

Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005 -- formerly China Confidential -- for America and Israel and their friends abroad

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

European Firms Support Iran Secret Police

New Libya: Rape, Robbery, Torture, Mass Murder

What Obama (of "the Muslim World") and NATO have wrought in Libya--click here, here, and here for a sampling of the stories seeping out of the new hell on earth. Horribly graphic, gruesome cell phone videos of men, women--and children--being raped and tortured to death are also emerging.

Where's the outrage?

How can Obama and his European allies and their advisors and stooges and the fawning media members who supported the insane Libyan adventure--an intervention on the side of Islamist-led, Al Qaeda-connected rebels supposedly carried out for "humanitarian" purposes--possibly sleep at night, knowing the horrors they have unleashed in a country that posed no threat to the West and had cooperated closely in combatting the Islamist menace? Have they no shame?


Syrian Nuke Program Tied to Pakistan

Muslim Brotherhood Breaks Egypt Election Promise

Monday, October 31, 2011

Case for Preemptive Strike on Iran is Clear ...

And So-Called World Community Wants
Jewish State to Risk Second Holocaust

Truth be told, the case for a preemptive nuclear strike on Islamonazi-ruled Iran is clear--meaning, use of tactical nuclear weapons to wipe out all known and suspected Iranian nuclear sites and ballistic missile bases, biological and chemical warfare installations, and the SS-like Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and its ultra-elite, Quds Force terrorist arm.

Tragically, decades of appeasing and attempting to align with the monsters running Iran--who took power with the support of the craven Carter administration--have made a final conflict with Iran inevitable. The Israeli government knows the score; but the United States, in the grip of an impossibly pro-Islamist administration, is still betting on diplomacy and sanctions to stop the mullahocracy's mad march to atomic armageddon.

Why should Israel draw on its presumed nuclear arsenal to end the Iranian nuclear threat and prevent a second Holocaust? The answer is simple: Israel, in contrast with Washington, does not have the conventional military might to destroy Iran's nuclear and missile sites in a surprise assault, and thus prevent Iran--and its Lebanese proxy, Hitlerian Hezbollah, and secular, Syrian ally, the embattled, blood-soaked Assad regime--from making good on their repeated threats to "burn Tel Aviv." It would be both illogical and immoral, given that any government's primary responsibility is to protect its citizenry against enemy attacks, for Israel to launch an aerial raid on Iran that would leave intact its capacity to retaliate in ways that not too many years ago would have been unthinkable--namely, the leveling of Israeli population centers through massive missile and rocket attacks, including, most likely, missiles topped with Syrian chemical warheads and, also, possibly, projectiles carrying biological arms, as alluded to above.

Israel is thought to have as many as 400 nuclear missiles and the capability of delivering them by intercontinental and long-range ballistic missiles, submarines, and aircraft. Absent a dramatic turnaround by the Islamist-appeasing and functionally anti-Israel Obama administration, the time may be coming for Israel to put some of those weapons to use against an implacable, apocalyptic enemy (just as the U.S. should have obliterated the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan within days of 9/11--another story).