Foreign News and Analysis Since April 2005 -- formerly China Confidential -- for America and Israel and their friends abroadForeign Confidential ™
Friday, November 18, 2011
End the Iranian Threat Before it Ends America
Barak: Iran Nuke Program Aims to Build Big Bombs
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Will China Attack Taiwan if US Attacks Iran?
How Big Blu Could End Iran's Nuke Program
Mondo Frazier on the Mysterious Mr. O
Stand for Israel
Rifaat's Revenge
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Is the US Trying to Provoke an Iranian Attack?
Friday, 18 November 2011
A Foreign Confidential™ Bloggertorial
Iran has or is about to become an existential threat to ... America.
Nuclear-arming Iran and its partner in proliferation, nuclear-armed North Korea, have developed cargo ship-based, concealed and containerized ballistic missile firing systems that could be used to destroy America ... anonymously ... through what is known as an EMP attack, the detonation of an atomic warhead high above the America's heartland in order to instantly wipe out the country's computer-and-electronic-dependent communications and power and thus plunge it back into the 19th Century ... without the resources of that time.
Experts say 90% of the U.S. population would ultimately perish as a result of a sea-launched EMP attack, against which the United States has no known defense. Given that thousands of cargo vessels approach U.S. coastal waters every day, it would be relatively easy for Iran and North Korea (with or without Venezuelan help) to use one or more seemingly civilian ships, flying flags of convenience, to strike the U.S.
For all we know, Iran and North Korea may have already deployed a fleet of such vessels, which could also be used to strike American coastal cities ... anonymously. They could be lurking at sea right now.
Accent on that word--anonymously. There appears to be no deterrent against an anonymous atomic attack on the U.S. The Obama administration has given America's implacable enemies every reason to believe that the government that is supposed to protect the country they long to eliminate would hesitate ... and investigate ... before reacting to a supposedly unthinkable assault. A nuclear bomb blast in New York, Boston, Miami, or Los Angeles? Fact-finding commissions and "healing" ... and quotations from "the Holy Koran" ... would come before bombing on Obama's watch, or so it seems.
In contrast, Israel, which Iran also aims to destroy, is believed to have systems in place that would automatically obliterate Tehran and Qum and Damascus and a number of other suspect cities should a nuclear device of any sort--including a so-called dirty bomb--ever explode inside Israeli territory.
Accent on that term--automatically obliterate.
So much for nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Iran and North Korea are believed to be capable of crippling the U.S. by crashing its power grid through deniable cyberwar attacks.
And the Axis of Evil arsenal probably includes biological weapons--acquired via dual-use biotechnology transfers from Cuba to Iran.
Conclusion: the time has come to end the Iranian threat before it ends America.
As 9/11 again proved, unthinkable stuff happens.
Early Warning
Foreign Confidential™ analysts fear China's military may see a war between the United States and Iran as an opportunity to invade Taiwan, believing that Washington would be in no position to save the self-ruled island from being conquered by Beijing while battling the Islamist nation and its allies.
Taiwan defense and intelligence experts believe China is aiming as many as 1,900 missiles at the island.
Related:Comment: The big bombs could wipe out Iran's nuclear sites. But what about Iran's arsenal of missiles? And the missiles and rockets of Hezbollah and Syria--and Hamas? As far as we know, Iran does not yet have nuclear weapons, although it is believed to be getting awfully close to having them. But Iran does have enough missiles to make good on its threat to "burn Tel Aviv" and shut down the Persian Gulf, which would make oil prices soar and cripple the world economy. Hezbollah, too, has enough missiles to rubble Israel's population centers; and Syria's embattled regime, increasingly reliant on Tehran for its survival, is bristling with missiles and chemical warheads. Iran may also possess stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons--in addition to controlling overseas terrorist cells capable of conducting suicide strikes against a range of military and civilian targets.
The point is this: an attack on Iran must be swift, merciless--and overwhelming. The missile installations and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps must be obliterated; the regular armed forces, neutralized. An assault that would allow Iran to retaliate in any meaningful way would be inexcusably immoral.
The Bush administration should have responded to 9/11 by blasting Al Qaeda and its Taliban allies and hosts off the face of the earth, using any and all necessary weapons, including tactical nuclear weapons.
Let's hope the Obama administration doesn't repeat the mistake by merely wounding--instead of killing--the deadly Iranian snake.
Who is Barack Obama?
By Mondo Frazier
There are so many things the public does not know about the man who sits in the White House.
Who is Barack Obama? In my search to find out the answers I embarked on a journey that has lasted three years and counting -- and nearly made my head explode.
As usual, when Obama is the subject, Americans can't count on the progressives in the Corporate Mainstream Media (CMM) for much help. So, what's one to do? The foreign press proved helpful. Therefore, gleaned from the foreign press: a few stories which didn't rate any coverage from the U.S. CMM.
In 2005, then-Senator Barack Obama went on a mission to Russia with Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN). The newly-minted U.S. senator was invited to be part of a Russian fact-finding tour that inspected a nuclear weapons site in Perm, Siberia. The base Lugar and Obama visited was where mobile launch missiles were being destroyed under the Cooperative Threat Reduction program (CTR), which also went by the name of the Nunn-Lugar program.
What happened next -- after the inspections were over -- was at the time reported by several foreign news sources but was never reported in the USA by the CMM. The Russians detained Obama and Lugar for three hours at the airport, demanding to examine both Obama's and Lugar's passports and search their plane. Some sources reported that the Russians accused Barack Obama of being a spy.
But wait -- there's more!
According to an Italian source, the Russians did not accuse Obama of being an American spy; they accused him of being a spy for the British! The report went on to say that the incident ended up involving the White House, the U.S. State Department, and military officials, along with their counterparts in Moscow.
Strangely enough, an official report from Lugar's office about the trip never mentioned the incident. Neither did Barack Obama in 2008 when he was desperate to exhibit some foreign policy chops.
One other oddity: in the fall of 2008, Obama admitted on his site that he had held dual citizenship with both the United States and Great Britain (the site explained that this was due to Barack Obama, Sr. being a foreign national) until 1982. Did the Russians know something about Obama's citizenship in 2005 that ordinary Americans don't know in 2011?
Another story no one has seen fit to ask about: Obama's Most Excellent Pakistani Adventure. In the summer of 1981, 20-year-old Barack Obama embarked on a two-week trip to Pakistan. At least what little reporting that has been done claimed the length of the trip was two weeks. The only proof that the trip didn't turn into a longer stay is that we (supposedly) have records which show that Barack Obama enrolled at Columbia University later that same summer. Of course, the public hasn't seen those records, but that's what we've been told. Anyone in doubt will be directed to Obama's autobiography, Dreams from My Father.
Obama clearly gave the impression in DFMF that he was this penniless, somewhat confused young man, in search of an identity. Obama makes sure readers don't miss the point by writing that he was forced to wear "thrift store clothing" during this time. Yet he somehow managed to find the cash to finance a two-week trip to Pakistan.
Which he never wrote about. Which in itself is odd: here's a guy who wrote two autobiographies that explored events real, imagined, and totally fictional that supposedly forged the modern-day Barack Obama from humble beginnings. That's according to the Obama NarrativeTM -- which gets most of its facts from Dreams from My Father.
Not only did a poor, nearly destitute Obama manage to afford the trip to Pakistan, but once there he somehow financed two weeks in the Lahore Hilton International. In addition, Obama was introduced to the future prime minister and president of Pakistan -- and went bird-hunting with him. Which the prime minister mentioned in the Pakistani press in 2008. There's so much more, including one question the CMM never asked Obama: who arranged all of this? For a 20-year-old nobody.
Another curious piece to the queer Obama puzzle is the connection -- which hasn't been made in the CMM (attention, Fox News!) -- between illegal foreign contributions to the Obama campaign and subsequent billions in Stimulus money to foreign companies and banks. During and after the 2008 election, accusations of illegal foreign contributions -- which flowed into the Obama campaign when credit card safeguards were disabled on the campaign's website -- were documented in the conservative press and elsewhere.
Who were these mysterious donors, and in what countries did they live? Unfortunately, due to the chicanery of Team Obama, we may never know. Fast-forward to 2009. Obama's multi-billion-dollar Stimulus is rushed through Congress, and billions of dollars in Stimulus money are doled out to foreign companies and banks. Finland, China, Brazil, and India are just a few of the beneficiaries of Americans' hard-earned tax dollars. Might these have been payoffs for those shady, unknown donations?
Bill Clinton was the first president to benefit from a foreign spoils system, but Barack Obama has made Clinton look like an amateur.
One more coincidence in shady fundraising. The lady involved with Obama's fundraising in the Caribbean? None other than Vera Baker, who packed up and hurried left the country after the National Enquirer started exploring a possible tryst between her and Obama in a Washington hotel.
Barack Obama can only hope that ObamaCare covers "extreme stress" -- because whoever on his staff is responsible for keeping track of all of the weird stuff in the president's life is definitely a candidate for burnout.
One final item involves that most elusive of documents: Obama's long-lost long-form birth certificate.
A Chicago-area activist, Sherman Skolnick, writing for a radio show/website (now defunct) by the name of Cloak and Dagger uncorked this headline on his readers. It referred to another story he'd written in 2005 -- three years before anyone in the media coined the term "birther" to tamp down curiosity about our 44th president's past. (All-caps headline in the original story.)
Just another day in the life of anyone attempting to pierce the shroud of mystery that surrounds our 44th president. The final result is the publication of The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama.
Mondo Frazier is the editor/founder of the website DBKP - Death By 1000 Papercuts and the author of The Secret Life of Barack Hussein Obama, published by Threshold Editions/Simon & Schuster. His article originally appeared here.
The exiled uncle of Syria's dictator has called on him to resign, adding that he should be allowed to remain in the country. Click here for the story, and here for background on "the Butcher of Hama."
Suddenly, it seems, there is relentless pressure on Iran--and Syria.
Time to connect the dots....
Setting aside the immorality of inciting an enemy attack on one's own troops and ally, the outcome of such a scenario could be truly catastrophic. An aerial offensive focused only on Iranian nuclear targets would leave U.S. forces in the Middle East--and Israeli cities and towns--vulnerable to massive missile bombardment by Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria.
Which may be just what the Obama administration has in mind.
Too far-fetched? Consider this: In 1973, Henry Kissinger, as U.S. Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon, came to Israel's aid during its defensive Yom Kippur War by supporting an 11th-hour arms airlift that saved the Jewish State from near-certain destruction. Once the tide had turned and Israel was on the verge of crushing Egypt, having encircled its Third Army, Kissinger persuaded Nixon to pressure Israel to halt its counteroffensive in order to deliberately deny it a decisive victory over the Arab aggressor so that the fourth Israel-Egypt conflict could end somewhat ambiguously, with Egyptian forces being allowed to remain inside a portion of the territory they had just conquered in the formerly Egyptian-controlled Sinai Peninsula, on the Israeli-held, eastern side of the Suez Canal. Kissinger's plan, which, in the end, did work, was to wean Egypt away from its alliance with the Soviet Union by giving Egyptian President Anwar Sadat that which Moscow could not deliver--the appearance of beating Israel, which would elevate his stature among his own people and across the Arab world and thus pave the way for a negotiating process leading to a permanent peace pact with Israel and its withdrawal from all of (oil-producing) Sinai, which Israel had captured in the June 1967 Six-Day War.
If Kissinger, a German-born, Jewish intellectual, who grew up in a heavily Jewish neighborhood in New York City (Manhattan's Washington Heights), where his family was able to build a new life after being forced to flee the pre-World War II Nazi terror ... and Nixon, an imperial, impossibly paranoid politician, who admired Israel's then Prime Minister, Golda Meir, and was, for the most part, strongly pro-Israel ... in spite of his alcohol-fueled, anti-Semitic rants ... could maneuver in such a manner ... imagine the complex (to be diplomatic) scheme that America's Bibi-bashing and most anti-Israel-ever President, Barack Hussein Obama, could be capable of concocting. As this reporterwrote just two days ago,
It is possible that Obama plans to undercut his Republican critics by launching surgical strikes against Iran's nuclear sites. A limited assault, however, could be worse than no assault, as it would leave Iran's formidable retaliatory capabilities intact, allowing it and its proxy, Hezbollah, and ally, Syria, to bombard Israel's population centers with missiles. Israel would of course react sharply to such destruction; and Washington, in the interest of preventing Israel from drawing on its presumed nuclear arsenal, would probably come to Israel's aid by hammering Iran with waves of aerial attacks on Iranian military bases, missile installations, etc. Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria would ultimately lose the war; but the cost to Israel in casualties and a shattered economy could be horrendous, making the country more vulnerable than ever to U.S. pressure. A successful but botched victory over Iran could ironically provide Obama with the political cover and the conditions to force Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders and agree to the creation of a contiguous--and irredentist--Palestinian state comprised of Hamas-run Gaza, the disputed West Bank territories, including East Jerusalem, and a land corridor connecting Gaza and the West Bank areas. The new state, which would be dominated by Hamas, would immediately focus on overthrowing the Jordanian monarchy and, with the help of restive Israeli Arabs, conquering the weakened and shrunken--and partially dismembered--Jewish State in order to rule over all of historic Palestine on both sides of the Jordan River.
In the meantime, the U.S. President responsible for killing Osama Bin Laden and ending the Iranian nuclear threat would be free to step up his support for political and overlapping organized and state Islam in line with his odious view that Islam's Arc and Sword are on "the right side of history."
Obama of "the Muslim World" ... "Liberator" of Cairo, Tripoli, Tehran, Damascus ... and ... Jerusalem.
It could happen.
POSTSCRIPT: Don't assume that an Obama-style liberation of Iran would mean real revolution there--i.e. the crushing of clerical fascism. On the contrary; the Obama administration would almost certainly support the emergence of a Turkish-style, "moderate" Islamist Iranian regime over any secular alternative. The administration and its European--and Saudi and Qatari--allies are all pro-Islamist. They mistakenly regard rightwing political Islam as an unstoppable and, except for Al Qaeda and the present Iranian regime, pliable force, a movement ripe for manipulation and exploitation.
In other words, 9/11 changed everything--and nothing.
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Britannia Radio