Saturday, 12 November 2011

I take hope, but not very much.

Maybe Teresa May will take note of these comments from a Conservative Barrister, who clearly articulates what the vast majority of Britons are thinking.

But don't go holding your breath!!??


This is sadly typical of the Met, which has become highly politicised.

The answer is to charge Moslem's with sedition, which ought to carry the death penalty in time of war.

The Moslem's have no idea of the extent of the outrage they cause amongst decent British people by insulting the memory of our Glorious War Dead.

The civilian police are too political and too badly led to be left to police Remembrance Day activities, which ought to put under the protection of the Royal Military Police.

It is important to make sure that weapons are loaded with live ammunition.

There will have to be Moslem casualties sadly, but that is the inevitable outcome when a disaffected group in society with no loyalty to our beloved Queen and nothing but contempt for our Glorious Armed Forces sets out to insult society and cause the gravest possible offence.

The Home Secretary, to whom I see this has been copied as a courtesy, with respect needs to replace the inadequate Commissioner of Police with a proper Commissioner, preferably a retired 4-star (the last competent Commissioner was the great Lord Trenchard). Moslem's here illegally - possibly the majority - need to be rounded up and removed, and tougher sentences provided.

I see some advantage to bringing back flogging for grave offences like sedition in the context of Remembrance Day and I commend that reform to the Home Secretary. =

This is how the British State Security Force (was known once as the Metropolitan Police Service) treats Britons who try to object to Muslims burning poppies on Armistice Day 2011!

And all under the pretence of a transparently false premise! These men were there to object to Muslims burning poppies. They were not there to attack anti capitalist protesters!

Have the now totally politicised Metropolitan Police no shame? Have they no compassion? Clearly not, as they arrest and drag away an elderly man who seems to have collapsed!

*People, this has to stop!

It would seem that these State Security (SS), thugs in uniform, are intent on inciting people to meet force with force.

The tragedy is that they may well get just that.

For if things continue as they are**......................... *

Daily Telegraph -
Fri, 11 Nov 2011

170 English Defence League members arrested near Cenotaph today.

They were there to object to Muslim extremists offending our war dead by burning poppy wreaths as they did last year on Armistice day.

Police just turned up in their hundreds and arrested EDL members in the pub and surrounding area, for no reason other than a fictitious one, yet they allowed the Muslims to walk freely.

Something isn't quite right here!