Iran and Iraq Cozy Up The Secret Life of Barack Obama Obama is merely one tip of the real, global and Islamic conspiracy
Despite the Obama Administration's "rose-colored glasses" assessment of Iraq's future as a democratic haven in a sea of radical Islamist despots, political thugs and monarchs, Iraq appears open to befriending its neighbor Iran as was demonstrated yesterday. As was predicted by several former military, intelligence and law enforcement commanders, the Iraqi military and their Iranian counterparts are already meeting in anticipation of the December withdrawal of all U.S. forces in an effort to thwart Iraq's internal enemies......
by Jim Kouri
Tabloids sometimes get the story right, such as when the National Enquirer exposed the love child of former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards. But its sister publication, the National Examiner (also published by American Media Inc.) has a real dud on its hands in the case of Mondo Frazier’s new book, The Secret Life of Barack Obama, which is promoted on the cover of the November 21 issue that is screaming at people in the supermarket check-out lines........
Dictators rarely establish control through war, although some do. Most, however promise, lie and seduce the masses to believe in them and follow them. Dictators hand out enough dog bones to the people and present enough confusion and diversion, that they are caught. Once the needy people have taken the hook, the other shoe starts to drop. The diversions, entertainment and dog bones continue to flow as all wealth, freedom, food and property are stolen and redistributed. Meanwhile, the.....
by Laurie Roth
Saturday, 19 November 2011
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Britannia Radio