Saturday, 12 November 2011

It’s The End Of The Eurozone As We Know It

'Stick a fork in it, the eurozone as we know it is done. That’s the message we’re hearing from every media outlet and talking head this morning. But whether the EU survives in its current incarnation or takes on a new form, the agenda remains the same, the evisceration of all national sovereignty and the centralization of power into a dictatorial federal superstate.

Words like “depression,” “collapse,” and “apocalypse,” are not normally uttered by people in positions of power, but such terms have become the staple of this week’s news diet, as the deepening of the euro crisis begins to make headlines about Greece look like they should be consigned to the “and finally” segment.

- President of the European Commission and Bilderberg luminary José Manuel Barroso last night warned that any break up of the eurozone would cause a continent-wide “depression,” shave 50 per cent off GDP and cost a million jobs in Germany alone.'