Tuesday, 1 November 2011

'North Carolina Police Warned To Put Their Personal Property Into Someone Else’s Name !'

'It appears that a North Carolina court has ruled that the “police” are actually working for private entities (private companies) and are not associated with The State of North Carolina. This ruling conforms to ideas I’ve advanced on this blog and on my radio show for several years.

Because the purported “police officers” are working for private companies, they are not entitled to official immunity. Thus, police officers are being warned to put all of their personal property into someone else’s name since it might otherwise be lost in the event that a “police officer” is sued for assault or some other kind of lawbreaking.'

Read more: 'North Carolina Police Warned To Put Their Personal Property Into Someone Else’s Name !'

Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor?

'In 1973, the Marian Press,Georgetown, Ontario, Canada sent the Pinkerton Detective Agency to Rome to investigate "substitutes" used to represent Paul VI. The evidence gathered at that time was positive.

The impostor Pope was first photographed December 11, 1974. He had an elementary education and due of the lack of proper education, was not adequately in a position to answer questions and issues with coherence.

This lack of proper training was clearly evident when some European statesmen were granted private audiences from the Fall of 1975. When queries of depth and coherence were submitted his way, his responses took the shape of comments rather than answers, but unwarily without the quality or capacity habitual to his distinguished guests. From such occasions, it was unanimous to these statesmen and Church dignitaries that something was rotten in Rome.'

Read more: Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor?

Greece to Hold Referendum on EU Debt Deal

'Responding to the riots that followed last week’s proposal, as well as dissent from within his own Socialist party, Prime Minister George Papandreou said: “The command of the Greek people will bind us. Do they want to adopt the new deal, or reject it? If the Greek people do not want it, it will not be adopted.”

Staging a referendum, reportedly to be held in January, threatens to throw the eurozone further into crisis as the majority of Greeks object to the bail-out, according to a survey published last week.

If Greece were to reject the plan, which requires deep spending cuts, it would risk a full-scale default and possible ejection from the euro. The country could even run out of money to pay civil servants or state pensions if the troika decided to pull the plug.'

Read more: Greece to Hold Referendum on EU Debt Deal

The Lucis Trust Behind Occupy Wall Street

'On the 15th October 2011 begun the worldwide action. For the first time in history, upwards of 15 million people in sixty countries marched together for a "global change". Their official website is: http://15october.net/

Someone decided to find out who owns that domain name by visiting this site: http://who.godaddy.com/ (This is a database with a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world).'

Read more: The Lucis Trust Behind Occupy Wall Street