Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Norwegian Dhimmitude

Laura: Norway carries on the legacy of Quisling by embracing jihad and Jew-hatred. The Norwegians are so cowardly they make the French look lionhearted by comparison. Cowardice, anti-Semitism and appeasement of evil is in the European DNA.

Norway Embraces Islamist Tyranny

by Bruce Bawer
November 16, 2011 at 5:00 am


Anti-Semitism in Norway, where I have lived for twelve years, is over the top. I have never quite gotten used to it. Every now and then I hear or read something that reminds me that I am living in Europe, in a country that was occupied by the Nazis, and where a lot of people were perfectly okay with that. I think it is fair to say that anti-Semitism in Norway is most virulent among the cultural elite – the academics, intellectuals, writers, journalists, politicians, and technocrats – although thanks to the media and schools, it has trickled down to many ordinary Norwegians, some of whom may never even...

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Why Do Catholics Keep Funding the Radical Left?

By Kathryn Scharplaz, AMERICAN THINKER

Every November, including this one, American Catholics — who constitute approximately 25% of the U.S. population — are asked to contribute to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD). The Catholic faithful have been told that their donations will go to fight poverty.

Little do most of them realize what their money will actually fund. CCHD is the brainchild of Saul Alinsky, the “father of community organizing.” Alinsky (1909-1972) had numerous connections in the Catholic community of his native Chicago, some of them nearly as radical as he was. He helped start CCHD in 1969.

Unfortunately, the benevolent-sounding term “community organizing” has a very specific meaning amongst people working in the Alinsky tradition — and it’s not what you would think. In fact, a more fitting term would be “community disorganizing.” Alinskyites are trained to go into poor communities and...

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Transcript proves that Durban III is a charade

General Assembly voting this week again on Durban agenda.

Durban III conference
Photo by: Menachem Jerenberg

In yet another effort to demonize Israel on the political battlefield, the UN General Assembly—which can bear a striking resemblance to the game of Whac-A-Mole—will adopt a new resolution this week to promote the Durban “anti-racism” declaration.

Back in September the UN sponsored “Durban III,” an event intended by Islamic states and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay to breathe new life into the ten-year-old anti-Israel vendetta which began in South Africa in 2001. Despite the unprecedented boycott by all Western veto-holding members of the Security Council – the US, Britain and France – Durban and its insidious message have popped up a mere two months later.

The regenerative nature of UN armaments, in the form of cyclical resolutions and “follow-up” mechanisms, makes them not merely annoying but dangerous. Due to this circuitous...

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Report: Dozens of U.S. spies captured in Lebanon and Iran

By Barak Ravid, Haaretz

Dozens of spies working for the CIA were captured recently in Lebanon and Iran, current and former U.S. officials told The Associated Press and ABC News on Monday.

The CIA’s operations in Lebanon have been badly damaged after Hezbollah identified and captured a number of the U.S. spies, officials told The Associated Press.

Hezbollah’s longtime leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, boasted on television in June that he had rooted out at least two CIA spies who had infiltrated the ranks of Hezbollah, which the U.S. considers a terrorist group closely allied with Iran. Though the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon officially denied the accusation, current and former officials concede that it happened and the damage has spread even further.

According to a report by ABC News, there were two distinct espionage rings targeting Iran and Hezbollah in which spies were recruited by the CIA.

Current and former U.S. officials said the two different spy rings were discovered...

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The ultra-Orthodox are changing the face of the IDF


    November 2011 data from the IDF Manpower Directorate, compiled yesterday, shows that the national-religious school system sends more graduates to combat units than any other educational system. National-religious graduates make up an even larger percentage of combat officers. At time when many secular youths, including those who choose combat units, are content to serve their mandatory three years before returning to civilian life, religious soldiers are being educated to stay in uniform beyond the minimum. Thus, 42 percent of cadets in the most recent infantry officer training course were religious (nine cadets in this course stood trial for boycotting the contentious ceremony with women singers ).

The 19 reservist major generals who signed the letter to Chief of Staff Benny Gantz on Monday, warning of extremist religious trends in the Israel Defense Forces, “were in the army long ago,” Rabbi Avichai Rontzki declared this week. Brig. Gen. (res. ) Rontzki,...

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FBI Statistics Belie Islamophobia Hysteria

It has become an accepted trope of contemporary journalism that American Muslims are under siege and beset by hatred and prejudice. But the evidence for this conventional wisdom is lacking. The story line of Muslim persecution in the United States has always been a matter of anecdotes and perception, not facts. That truth was confirmed this week when the FBI released their annual crime statistics report which showed once again that hate crimes against Muslims remain rare and are far outnumbered by attacks on Jews.

The report is not perfect, since not all parts of the country do a good job compiling the data, but it provides an important snapshot of the state of the nation regarding bias crimes. But the numbers speak for themselves. In 2010, only 13.2 percent of religion-based attacks were directed at Muslims. By comparison, 65.4 percent of such crimes were directed at Jews. This shows a slight increase over the last two years (the raw...

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Obama Must Act to Stop Hamas-Fatah Deal

President Obama and his cheerleaders in the media may be fed up with Israel and its democratically elected government, but the Palestinian Authority appears to be about to take one step closer to effectively ending all hope for peace in the foreseeable future. Journalist Khaled Abu Toameh reports that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas? has agreed to a key concession that will solidify the Hamas-Fatah unity pact first signed in May. The result will guarantee a strong Hamas role in the new Palestinian government that will ensure it will be impossible for the PA to agree to any deal with Israel, no matter what concessions are forced out of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or where Israel’s borders might be drawn.

One of the key holdups to a Hamas-Fatah unity government was Hamas’ insistence Abbas dump Salam Fayyad? as prime minister. Fayyad is widely respected in the West for his fight against corruption, his efforts to build a viable Palestinian...

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Tom Trento: “What’s it going to take?”

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel