On David Vance's "That General Assembly" post from yesterday, DB posted a comment (his reply to mine at the top of the thread) about how a well-known clothing company, Men's Warehouse (an off-the-rack suit chain) spoke out in support of the Occupiers. The dopey bearded CEO decided to have a store in Oakland put a sign of solidarity in the window. DB posted this picture of said window: The UK economy continues to teeter on the edge of recession, with all the misery that this entails. But Richard Black and his assorted greenie fascist chums want to push us even further down into the mire. Here, Mr Black wheels out a range of eco nuts led by the Committee on Climate Change(as well as his bosom buddies Oxfam and WWF, whose idea the shipping tax is) who want Britain to impose taxes on the cost of shipping fuel. Where do these nutters come from? Out country is an island. Our very existence is based to a major extent on physical imports and exports with the big, wide world (as this excellent Civitas pamphlet points out) - but have no fear, the greenies want to hobble our economy even more by ensuring that we make it as costly as possible to go about activities that have sustained us for centuries. As usual, there's scarcely a peep in the story from anyone with an ounce of common sense or a contrasting view; the main thrust is that nasty "carbon" emissions must be curbed, whatever the price. I'm all for free discussion, but Mr Black is engaged in a deliberate, sustained camapign to damage Britain and its people. Time he read Matt Ridley. It's curious how the BBC treats some stories. Take the one which suggests that lives in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland could be saved IF people adopted a more "English diet". Cue disgruntled Scottish Professor to inform is how superior Scottish diet was and that it was only because of the economic disadvantage in Scotland that prevented "working class" people enjoying a better diet. Later on, I tuned into the Nolan Show on BBC NI, and he was running the idea that it is because of our unemployment and "social deprivation" that caused diets to be poor. There was a suggestion that "the poor" needed perhaps special locations where they could buy cheaper food and fruit - maybe the Government should open supermarkets for those on Welfare? Amazing Statist stuff - and all served up without any dissent. Did you listen to this FAWNING interview with one of the Swampy's gathered outside St.Paul's this morning? Ms Colvin could not have been treated with softer kid gloves by Evan Davies and I noted that he was extremely respectful to her repeated references to the all powerful decision making "General Assembly" of the #OccupyLSX movement. It seems that the Nation must wait breathlessly on what the comrades in this ragbag collective decide and the BBC has no intention of challenging them on their "ideas" With Druid Williams and the other dripping wet apologists for Christian leaders in St. Paul's having rolled over to the nihilistic anarcho-commies gathered in their tents, the BBC is now able to spin like made on behalf of this collective and invoke clerical support for their mad ideas. I notice the BBC have chosen not to give any prominence to the news that MI5 had Williams down as a dangerous leftist subversive in his earlier days - that's the wrong type of story. Not all news is equal and the BBC is careful to ensure that it reports what best suits the narrative - in thiscase, down with capitalism. Another day and another concerted attack on Greek PM Papandreou by "the international community" and its mouthpieces such as the BBC. Did you catch this? David Buik was incredibly angry and outraged about the decision by the Greek PM to consult the Greek people - thus delivering the message the BBC wanted. Furthermore, the BBC itself is longing for Papandreou to lose the vote of confidence that will be held tomorrow, and it is holding the Finance Minister up as hero. As I write this, the BBC is running the story that Papandreou is about to resign. Presumably this will mean no referendum and hence the BBC will be content. It's VITAL to EU interests that the people do not get to speak - rarely was tyranny so obvious and yet, remarkably, ignored by our well funded State Broadcaster. Tweak a story to suit the presumed intelligence level of your audience, and you risk exposing the agenda. Omit a detail here, embellish another there, ignore chronology, obfuscate and gloss over, simplify and spin as you might do when explaining something nasty to a child. You want to make sure he knows what’s right and what’s wrong, without preaching or telling him in so many words. He must come to the correct conclusion all by himself. Often, when watching the BBC, you will catch a glimpse of where their slip is showing; or their show is slipping. The BBC’s web report concerning Israel’s decision to accelerate settlement building and withhold Palestinian funds is one example. If you compare it with other reports, the first thing you’ll notice is that the BBC’s presentation seems intelligence-insultingly dumb. Then you’ll notice that the agenda shows, subtly but surely. Occupy What Now?
>> FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 04, 2011
Dumb and Dumber
Friday, 4 November 2011
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Britannia Radio