Freeman Center says rush to embrace PLO is foolish and ultimately dangerous ‘...nothing more than an elaborate trap for Israel’ Asserting that the rush to embrace the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is both foolish and ultimately dangerous, the Freeman Center For Strategic Studies has declared: "The pro-Israel community should react with extreme caution to the moves in Jerusalem to recognize the PLO." Bernard J. Shapiro, director of the center also said: "The proposed Gaza-Jericho plan worked out between Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres and representatives of the PLO, a terrorist organization, is nothing more than an elaborate trap for Israel. We should not forget that the PLO has violated and trampled on every agreement it has ever made during its nearly 30-year history. This includes agreements and solemn pledges made to the Arab governments of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, as well as the United States and the United Nations." According to the Freeman Center, the PLO instituted a reign of terror, rape and murder locally as well as attacks on Israel in the two Arab countries where it gained a kind of ‘self rule.’" Shapiro continued: "Despite the media hype surrounding these developments, let me make something very clear: A leopard does not change his spots. You can say a berachah (blessing) over a ham sandwich, but that doesn’t make it kosher. And a deal with the PLO is like a dance on quicksand - before you realize it, you have sunk into the muck and slime." -------------------------------------------- Please note that this Press Release was issued on September 2, 1993, a full 11 days before Oslo was signed on the White House lawn (September 13, 1993). Everything it said has come horribly true. We at the Freeman Center properly analyzed the momentous events in the Middle East and we have been fighting the Oslo Appeasement Agreement ever since. Please help us in our battle to save Eretz Yisrael. Bernard J. Shapiro, Chairman and Editor of Publications Freeman Center For Strategic Studies PO BOX 35661 - HOUSTON TX 77235-5661 LATMA - Caroline Glick - The Ballad of Oslo "...The Oslo debacle was a creation of the Left, and it is vital for Israel that those who identify with the Left engage in soul-searching. The Arabs’ demonization of Israel is not about to end, and the nation cannot afford, in its eagerness for “normalcy,” once again to risk everything by chasing mirages of peace." ~ Kenneth Levin, The Oslo Syndrome: Delusions of a People Under Siege*
Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
Monday, 7 November 2011
Page SIX Jewish Herald-Voice (Houston) September 2, 1993
From: Doris Wise Montrose
Subject: The Ballad of Oslo's Children (with video)
Date: Sunday, November 6, 2011, 6:58 PM
The Ballad of Oslo's Children
(The children of Oslo September '93)
We are the children of Oslo September '93 You sold us out on the White House lawn for promises You were weary men who wanted a Nobel Peace Prize You were young women who wanted to mix reality with a dream So you got your acclaim and signed a deal That was total ruse That you could try out on us - Why not, apres vous la deluge You promised an olive branch, a dove We got Qassams on a house You promised joy and calm We got only expulsions and bombs You promised a dove ...
We are the children of Oslo September '93 We grew up and now are in the army with our weapon and helmet on our heads I'm from Kfar Saba Haifa Gush Katif I'm from Sderot Watch out for your Nobel, so it doesn't get dirtied by shrapnel, tears and blood We won't pressure your, we won't ask you what more he is plotting Because we learned from you long ago that promises don't have to be honored In trauma wards, in Ashkelon, Itamar and in war, we only wanted to whisper.
We are the children of that Oslo ...
What were you thinking?
You promised an olive branch, a dove
We got Qassams on a house
Just two dead every day
What a great price to pay - for peace
Keep on singing about legacy [AL: reference is to "Rabin Legacy"] We just got orders over the secure net We don't have time for discussion That's ok, we forego an apology You promised a dove ...
To fully appreciate just how good this "Oslo Balad" is, you need to know the background of the song that it is a satire of: "We are the children of winter 1973" (the Latma song is not only played to the tune of this song, many visual elements of the clip are similar to clips of the song).
Here are the words to the original song
[Words translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Australia.
We are the children of winter 1973
You dreamt us first at dawn at the end of the battles You were tired men that thanked their good luck You were worried young women and you wanted so much to love When you conceived us with love in winter 1973 You wanted to fill up with your bodies that what the war finished And we were born the country was wounded and sad You looked at us you hugged us you were trying to find comfort When we were born the elders blessed with tears in their eyes They said:" we wish those kids will not have to go to the army"
And your faces in the old picture prove
That you said it form the bottom of your hearts When you promised to do every thing for us To make an enemy into a loved one
You promised a dove,
an olive tree leaf,
you promised peace
You promised spring at home and blossoms You promised to fulfill promises, you promised a dove
We are the children of winter 1973
We grew up and now in the army
with our weapon and helmet on our heads
We know how to make love to laugh and cry We are men we are women and we too dream about babies This is why we will not pressure you we will demand of you And we will not threaten you When we were young you said promises need to be kept We will give you strength if that is what you need We will not hold back We just wanted to whisper We are the children of that winter in the year 1973
You promised a dove,
an olive tree leaf,
you promised peace
You promised spring at home and blossoms You promised to fulfill promises, you promised a dove
The above song was performed first in 1995 by an IDF group.
And it is a lie.
I am from the generation that experienced the nightmare of the Yom Kippur War of 1973.
When our children were born I - as the rest of my generation - had every expectation that they would have to serve in the IDF when they grew up. And they did.
That the IDF played a role in the distribution of "We are the children of winter 1973" speaks volumes about the disturbing mentality that pervaded the upper ranks of the IDF.
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Britannia Radio