Palin: Corporate Crony Capitalism
By Ted Belman
There seems to be great interest in the OWS and the corruption in the doling out the stimulus money, so I thought I would publish Sarah Palin’s memorable Speech in Iowa on Sept3/11 when she nailed Corporate Crony Capitalism and defined real capitalism. Go to the link if you want to hear her deliver this barn burner.
As I read the speech or watched her deliver it, I couldn’t help but be heart broken that she declined to run.
Iran and Israel’s southern front
57% of Israelis favour retaking Gaza and wiping out Hamas and Islamic Jihad. But the matter is complicated. It is increasingly likely that Israel will attacks Iran’s nuclear plants. In all probability such attack will result in Israel being attacked by Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. This is not a guaranteed happening. Israel must decide if it prefers to first take back Gaza if that’s what the government wants, then deal with Hezbollah and then Iran, one by one or all at the same time. Ted Belman
Israelis following the escalation of rocket launches against southern Israel this past week probably noticed all the reports that the Palestinian organization behind the attacks was Islamic Jihad. There were approximately 40 rockets and mortars that were fired by the organization over a two day period. The current round of attacks began with the launch of a Grad rocket that hit near Gedera, on Wednesday, Oct. 26, which also happened to be the...
Kristallnacht remembered
The Night of Broken Glass that began the Nazi reign of terror.
By Karol Jonca * Reprinted with permission from The Holocaust Encyclopedia (Yale University Press).
The unprecedented pogrom of November 9-10, 1938 in Germany has passed into history as Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass). Violent attacks on Jews and Judaism throughout the Reich and in the recently annexed Sudetenland began on November 8 and continued until November 11 in Hannover and the free city of Danzig, which had not then been incorporated into the Reich. There followed associated operations: arrests, detention in concentration camps, and a wave of so-called aryanization orders, which completely eliminated Jews from German economic life.
Palestinians are perceived as the underdog.
There is a lesson here. Israel hasbara should always present the issue as one in which there are 350 million Arabs vs 6 million Jews or 13.5 million sq km of Arab and vs 22,700 sq km of Jewish land and that’s without counting the Turks and the Iranians who are not Arabs. And not to mention the 1.3 billion Muslims the vast majority of whom are lined up against Israel. At a minimum we should add Jordan’s 77,000 sqkm to Judea and Samaria’s 6,000 to get a total of 83,000 sqkm of Palestinian Arab land vs 6,000 of Jewish land. We must present Israel as the underdog at every opportunity. Ted Belman
In Praise of Capitalist Inequality
As both Ayn Rand and Steve Jobs would remind them, the economic inequality that the OWS protestors oppose is not something to be condemned, but to be celebrated.
For several weeks now, the Occupy Wall Street protestors in New York City and around the country have been demanding “economic justice,” which includes a mishmash of leftist goals including universal health care, forgiveness of student loan debt, and higher taxes on the wealthy. To the extent the OWS protestors have a unifying theme, it’s that capitalism is bad and that redistributing wealth to reduce “inequality” is good.
The Irish socialist playwright George Bernard Shaw once wrote, “A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.” The Occupy Wall Street protestors demanding government redistribution of wealth from the richest Americans (“the 1%”) to themselves (“the 99%”) would certainly agree. But as some of them are starting to learn, if...
I give added credence to this report because of all the reports I have read today that Israel refused to advise the US in advance. The US obviously wants to plead surprise rather than complicity. Ted Belman
DEBKAfile Special Report November 6, 2011, 8:28 AM (
Sharia’s Encroachment into American Courts
Currently an estimated 2.6 million observant Muslims reside in the United States. Many live their lives according to sharia law, the moral and religious code of the Islamic faith. When Muslims bring legal disputes into U.S. courts, a legal dilemma often arises, pitting individual rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and laws against Islamic sharia law.
Palestinian Identity Theft
By Jerold S. Auerbach, AMERICAN THINKER
Identity theft, in most jurisdictions, is a punishable offense. But in the United Nations, Palestinians are free — indeed, encouraged — to rob Israel of its history, heritage, and homeland.
The Russel Tribunal, Another Effort to Destroy Israel
By ELLIOTT ABRAMS, Weekly Standard
This weekend marks another milestone in the history of intellectual dishonesty, for the so-called “Russell Tribunal on Palestine” meets in Cape Town, South Africa on November 5th and 6th.
Barak and Netanyahu did not commit to U.S. request for coordination on Iran
In a recent conversation with U.S. Secretary of Defense Panetta, the prime minister and defense minister would not discount the possibility of independent Israeli action on Iran, say American officials.
No-fly zone over Iraq set to expire, opening shortest route from Israel to Iran