Priti Patel on form:
“In addition to curbing the size of individual donations, there is one important reform to clear up the problems of the big donor culture that could have been recommended but did not feature. That would have been to ensure that donations made by the trade unions to the Labour Party are not in breach of the Bribery Act. We’ve seen with the Warwick Agreement, the threats by unions to withdraw funding had Labour pursued its Royal Mail privatisation plans and the current reports of unions influencing Labour MPs to table and support amendments how the unions are using their financial leverage over Labour to bring about changes in the law. These practices have the stench of corruption about them and ensuring that any undue influence being exercised could lead to a prosecution under bribery laws would bring these practices the scrutiny and transparency needed.”
Ken Wrong Again - Telegraph
Brownonomics – City AM
Osborne Should Embrace His Inner Anarchist – Ruth Porter
Why Britain isn’t Growing – Dan Hannan
About that Palestinian Solidarity Campaign - The Commentator
BBC Manager Earning a Million – Steve Barclay MP
The Squalor of St Paul’s – Telegraph
Dear Prime Minister – Felicity Parkes
Guardian Manage Three Errors In One Headline – PS Book
Labour Agent Jailed For Child Porn – Mail
Gordon Finally Wakes Up To Local Crisis
The Right Honourable Member for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath has finally woken up to the fact there is a crisis in his constituency and it might be an idea for him to actually do the job he is paid for. Guido brought you the news a month ago that part of Gordon’s Fife constituency contained radioactive material. Now with a lack of action, not least from the local MP, the beach could be designated the UK’s first stretch of Radioactive Contaminated Land. Finally today Gordon managed to haul himself in front of a camera.
So what has he been doing instead of representing his constituency? Well:
- £48,166.00 for a speech to Visa International.
- £36,639.66 for a speech to Credit Suisse in Miami, Florida.
- £36,018.18 for a speech to Comtec Med in Geneva, Switzerland.
- £35,873.94 for a speech to World 50, Inc in New York.
- £36,174.63 for a speech to PIMCO in Newport Beach, California.
- £36,174.63 for a speech to Economic Club of Michigan.
- £36,146.29 for a speech to Skybridge Capital in Las Vegas.
- £36,292.84 for a speech to Citi Latin America in New York.
- £36,224.88 for a speech to Pershing LLC in Miami.
It must be a little painful for the former Prime Mentalist that Blair can command the combined total of that for a hour of his time, but do you know what hurts more Gordon? Radiation poisoning…
The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 31st October 2011
BROWN, Rt. Hon. Gordon (Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Payments as Distinguished Global Leader in Residence at New York University: Campuses in New York, Abu Dhabi and Florence. Hours: ongoing commitment.
Address: 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012:
Payment of £102,568.55, which includes transport and accommodation costs for me and a member of my staff to travel to the New York University Campuses. Hours: ongoing commitment.
(Registered 24 November 2010; updated 20 January 2011; updated 5 April 2011; updated 31 May 2011)
Airfare paid for my travel to New York campus, value £6,194 (Registered 10 October 2011)
Payment of £72,806.51, which includes transport and accommodation costs for me and a member of my staff to travel to the New York University Campuses for 2011-12. (Registered 10 October 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this role personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £62,181.32 from ThisDay for speech. Address: 35 Creek Road, Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria. Hours: 4 hrs. Flights also paid for an earlier cancelled event: £1,714.98 (Registered 24 November 2010; updated 20 January 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £37.047.01 for speech to HT Media Limited. Address: Hindustan Times House, 18-20 K G Marg, New Delhi, 111001, India. Hours: 2.5 hrs. Flights also paid for me and a member of my staff: £13,544. (Registered 24 November; updated 20 January 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £49,052.69 for speech to King Saud University. Address: P.O. Box 2454 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11451. Hours: 3.5 hrs. Flights and accommodation also paid; value £6,832.27. (Registered 25 January 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Signature and delivery advance of £78,289.61 from Sterling Lord Literistic for book published on 7 December 2010. Address: 65 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012. The book is published by Free Press, part of the Simon and Schuster Group Inc. Address: 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Income from Simon and Schuster is paid through Sterling Lord Literistic. Simon and Schuster UK, 1st Floor, 222 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB, provided airfare and accommodation in Dublin on publication of book; value £1,011.82. Simon and Schuster Group Inc provided travel and arrangements in US for book promotion; value £6,402. (Registered 24 November 2010; updated 20 January 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this publication personally. All author’s profits go to charity.
Payment of £7,050 from The Guardian, for extracts from book. Address: Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU.(Registered 5 April 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this publication personally. All author’s profits go to charity.
Payment of £48,166 for speech to Visa International. Address: 30 Raffles Place #10-00 Chevron House, Singapore 0486622. Hours: 2.5 hrs. Flights and accommodation also paid for me and a member of my staff; value £16,627.55.(Registered 5 April 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £36,639.66 for speech to Credit Suisse in Miami, Florida. Address: 11 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Hours: 2.5 hrs. Flights and accommodation to Miami also paid; value £10,743.94. (Registered 5 April 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £36,018.18 for speech to Comtec Med in Geneva, Switzerland. Address of Comtec: 53 Rothschild Boulevard, PO Box 68 Tel Aviv, 61000 Israel. Hours: 3 hrs. Flights and accommodation to Geneva also paid for me and a member of my staff; value £2,949.13. (Registered 19 April 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £35,873.94 for speech to World 50, Inc in New York. Address of World 50: 3525 Piedmont Road, Atlanta, GA 30305 USA. Hours: 2.5 hrs. Flights and accommodation to New York also paid for me and a member of my staff; value £11,255.07. (Registered 31 May 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £36,174.63 for speech to Pacific Investment Mortgage Company (PIMCO) in Newport Beach, California. Address of PIMCO: 1345 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10105, USA. Hours: 4 hrs. Flights and accommodation in California also paid for me and a member of my staff; value £12,484.87. (Registered 7 June 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £36,174.63 for speech to Economic Club of Southwestern Michigan in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Address of Economic Club: 2887 Villa Lane, Benton harbor, MI 49022, USA. Hours: 3.5 hrs. Flights and accommodation in Michigan also paid; value £2,346.67. (Registered 7 June 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £36,146.29 for speech to Skybridge Capital in Las Vegas. Address of Skybridge Capital: 527 Madison Avenue, 6th floor, New York, NY 10022, USA. Hours: 3 hrs. Flights and accommodation in Las Vegas also paid; value £2,008.58.(Registered 7 June 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £36,292.84 for speech to Citi Latin America in New York. Address of Cit Latin America: 201 S.Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 700, Miami, FL 33131, USA. Hours: 3 hrs. Flights and accommodation in New York also paid; value £2,008.58. (Registered 7 June 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment for staff and research of £42,158.38 as Chairman of the World Economic Forum Policy Coordination Group. Address of donor: Route de la Capite 91-93, 1223 Cologny/Geneva. Hours: ongoing commitment. (Registered 7 June 2011)
Airfare and accommodation to Geneva also paid, £1,657.64. (Registered 23 June 2011)
Airfare and accommodation in Geneva also paid, £1,559.76. (Updated 16 August 2011)
Airfare and accommodation in Geneva also paid, £732.84. (Registered 1 September 2011)
Airfare and accommodation in Dalian, China also paid, £7,001.56. (Registered 10 October 2011)
Payment for staff and research of £44,166.95 (Registered 10 October 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Payment of £36,224.88 for speech to Pershing LLC in Miami. Address of Pershing: Pershing LLC, One Pershing Plaza, 4th Floor, Jersey City, NJ 07399, USA. Hours: 3 hrs. Flights and accommodation to Miami also paid for me and a member of my staff; value £16,545.25. (Registered 21 June 2011)
I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life.
Speech to Harvard University : the Weiner Lecture and Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Politics . Address: Harvard University , Massachusetts Hall, Cambridge , MA 02138 , USA . Airfare and accommodation paid for me and a member of my staff; value £9,011.49 (Registered 4 November 2010; updated 20 January 2011) Donation of £9,084.85 made direct by Harvard to charity (Registered 11 July 2011.)
Speech to the World Council of Credit Unions in Glasgow , July 2011. Address: World Council of Credit Unions, Inc., 5710 Mineral Point Road , Madison , Wisconsin 53705 USA . Hours: 4. Donation of £28,728.63 made direct by WCCU to charity.(Registered 16 August 2011.)
Payment of £38,292 and £362.70 for train to Washington for speech to Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington DC 20004 on 19 September 2011. Hours: 2.5 hrs. I am not receiving any money from this engagement personally. It is being held by the Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown for the employment of staff to support my ongoing involvement in public life. (Registered 10 October 2011)
6. Overseas visits
Name of donor: Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs
Address of donor: 71 Nanchizi Street, Beijing 100006, China
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flight and accommodation in Beijing paid, £11,202
Destination of visit: Beijing, China
Date of visit: 11-14 June 2011
Purpose of visit: to attend International Conference on Global Economy organized by Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs.
(Registered 30 June 2011)
7. Overseas benefits and gifts
Name of donor: Kenya Airways
Address of donor: Airport Road, Embakasi, PO Box 19002-00501, Nairobi, Kenya
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): upgrade on flight to Uganda for me and a member of my staff in respect of travel to Uganda for a speech to African leaders; value £4936.20.
(Registered 1 September 2010)
Name of donor: Harvard University
Address of donor: Massachusetts Hall, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): airfare and accommodation paid in respect of travel to US to speak at the Harvard University Global Empowerment Meeting; value £4,562.57. (Registered 20 January 2011)
Name of donor: World Economic Forum
Address of donor: Route de la Capite 91-93, 1223 Cologny/Geneva
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): airfare paid for me and a member of my staff to travel to the World Economic Forum, Geneva; value £1,375.97
(Registered 5 April 2011)
Name of donor: German Marshall Fund
Address of donor: Rue de la Loi, 155 Wetstraat, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): travel and transport paid to the Brussels Forum 2011; value £1,248.61
(Registered 5 April 2011)
Name of donor: Institute of New Economic thinking
Address of donor: 570 Lexington Avenue, 39th Floor, New York, NY 1022
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): airfare paid for my travel to the INET Forum in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA; value £475.59; donation of £278.70 made direct to charity.
(Registered 26 April 2011; updated 14 July 2011)
Name of donor: Georgetown University
Address of donor: 37th and O Streets, N.W., Washington DC 20057
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): airfare and accommodation paid for me and a member of my staff to travel to Washington, DC for speech at Georgetown University; value £3,079.29
(Registered 14 June 2011)
Name of donor: United Nations Economic and Social Council
Address of donor: ECOSOC Secretariat, 1 UN Plaza, New York , NY USA
Amount of donation: airfare paid to travel to Geneva to give keynote address to the High level segment of the UNECOSOC, £666.20
(Registered 14 July 2011)
Name of donor: Temasek Holdings
Address of donor: 60B Orchard Rd , #06-18 Tower 2, the Atrium@Orchard, Singapore 238891.
Amount of donation (or estimate of probable value) Airfare, accommodation and other travel paid to travel to Singaporeon 26 September to address the Temasek International Panel, value £12,752.17.
(Registered 10 October 2011)
9. Shareholdings
(a) Office of Gordon and Sarah Brown Ltd; company set up to provide administrative support for Mr and Mrs Brown in their ongoing activities.
11. Miscellaneous
Co-convenor of the Global Campaign for Education high level panel. Unpaid role: research and back-up support provided via members of the GCE Coalition.
Fa-Rage Against the Machine Hits 300,000
Last Friday Guido noticed a speech that Nigel Farage had given in the European Parliament a couple of days previously was creeping up into the thousands of views on YouTube. So he decided to give it a bit of a push. It was one of the most retweeted stories from this blog for months:
The savage take down of the European-elites and their frankly shocking disregard for democracy in the face of a threat to their golden project had all the hallmarks of a Hannan-style sensation. Guido predicted it would hit a million views and he stands by that. Just four days later it’s at 300,000.