Saturday, November 19, 2011
OBAMA-BACKED REVOLUTION BREEDSWhy the West Won't Defeat Radical Islam
Absent a miraculous change, the war against rightwing political Islam will never be won by the so-called "West"--meaning, in this context, the United States and Europe--because the West stupidly and cynically intends to influence and use rather than destroy and defeat the enemy that aims to end civilization as we know it.Assad Rebuffs Arab League, Refuses to Fold
Obama's Islamists Have Won in Egypt
Friday, November 18, 2011
Islamist Libya on UN Human Rights Council
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Prediction: The Obama-orchestrated overthrow of Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak, a pro-Western leader who preserved the peace treaty with Israel and courageously and consistently battled and suppressed Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists, will go down in history as one of America's most perfidious betrayals, strikingly similar to the catastrophic, Carter administration-assisted, Islamist ouster of Iran's pro-Western, modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.
Few Americans appreciate that their current President is actively, enthusiastically pro-Islamist, in spite (a) of having killed his top competitor for leadership of what he insists on calling "the Muslim world"--an Islamist concept--Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, and (b) of ratcheting up tensions with nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran, after first appeasing and trying to align with it in a Grand Bargain for pacification of the Middle East.
The Shah--may His Imperial Majesty's soul rest in peace--who was driven from Iran by Islamists, and his great friend, Anwar Sadat, Mubarak's predecessor, who was assassinated by Islamists for having committed the "sin" of making peace with Israel, must both be rolling in their (Egyptian) graves. Everything they fought and stood for has been or is swiftly being washed away, thanks, in large measure, to the hoary, Anglo-American strategy of trying to ride the Islamist tiger without being consumed by it.
Ironically, Sadat, too, tried to ride the Islamist tiger.... Himself a former Muslim Brotherhood member, Sadat served as the Nasser regime's liaison to the group. After taking power following Nasser's death, Sadat invited the Brotherhood back into Egypt--Nasser had exiled the group--and then promoted it as a counterweight to Nasser's nationalistic, semi-socialist, Soviet-leaing, pan-Arab movement. Washington approved; like the British, it had secretly backed the Brotherhood against Nasser.
In other words, the problem is one of policy, not a lack of political will, as many observers naively contend.
The U.S./European policy--actually, the policy of the power elites that really rule the so-called free world--is tomanage the clerical fascist creed commonly called Islamism, or radical Islam, through a complex, protracted process of support and co-optation. Western policymakers perceive political Islam as both a potential ally against adversaries and competitors--essentially, the old, Cold War concept of Islam as sword and bulwark--and a portal for wealth extraction and creation. More specifically, our so-called leaders aim to manipulate and exploit Islamism
Understanding all this helps to explain why the Bush administration responded to the Islamist mega-terrorist attacks of 2001 with a never-ending, misnamed "War on Terror" and the unnecessary invasion and conquest of a contained, secular enemy, Iraq, which had neither weapons of mass destruction nor meaningful ties to the monsters that actually slaughtered some 3,000 Americans on September 11--Pakistan/Iran/Saudi-supported Al Qaeda and the Pakistan-created Taliban.
POSTSCRIPT: The antidemocratic Left also sees political Islam as an ally--to cripple capitalism, bring down the United States, and eliminate Israel.
Comment: The developing civil war in Syria has nothing whatsoever to do with democracy or freedom. Rather, the Arab League, the Obama administration, NATO, and the EU have all sided with neo-Ottomon, Sunni Islamist-ruled Turkey and the Sunni Islamist Muslim Brotherhood in order to topple the secular--but Shiite Islamist, Iran-supported--Syrian regime.
The objectives of the anti-Assad intervention include (a) installing a supposedly moderate Sunni Islamist (Muslim Brotherhood) government in Damascus that will be friendly to Turkey and NATO, and (b) regime change in Iran--i.e. overthrowing Syria's (Shiite offshoot) Alawite-dominated despotism ahead of or in order to trigger a war with Tehran's nuclear-arming, turbaned tyranny, resulting in its collapse and replacement with a more "moderate" and non-nuclear-arming turbaned tyranny, meaning, a regime that will no longer seek Middle Eastern hegemony and will instead be content to merely oppress its own people under the (NATO/Obama-blessed) banner of "Islamic democracy."
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Britannia Radio