Tuesday, 8 November 2011


>> MONDAY, NOVEMBER 07, 2011

Wondering if any of you have had the chance to look at the report from St. Pauls Institute that has come out today? I am on BBC 5 Live later this evening on the Tony Livesey show. Any feedback is appreciated. The bit of the report that entertained me was that some 41% of those interviewed believed on God. So, more than in the COE! Comments/points?


A Biased-BBC reader notes with regard to the BBC' s "Any Answers" broadcast on Saturday 5th Nov;

"Did anyone notice that the first subject: the Unions strike for Nov 30. All the callers, around six, were on the side of the unions There were none against, even though the majority of the population feel that civil servants are being much better treated that those of the private sector. Did the BBC recieve no calls against the strike?"


Last week Washington saw the opening of Hemingway's, an exclusive bar situated in the section of the Swiss embassy reserved for Cuba's communist dictatorship. The master-stroke in this propaganda drive by the Cuban regime was its decision to invite the BBC to cover the event. In return for a few rum cocktails the Cubans have been rewarded with a couple of pieces of gushing PR that must have exceeded even their wildest hopes. For a small outlay on drinks and a band they have received an uncritical filmed report (although it does include possibly the most boring Hemingway anecdote ever, as told by former US diplomat Wayne Smith) and an article by Kate Dailey that would not look out of place in whatever passes for the society pages of Granma. Take this bit for example:


George here and welcoming you to a new week here at Biased BBC. I think a new Open Thread is in order so perhaps you would like to tell me what is annoying you with BBC coverage?


There's nothing like a biased intro to a BBC debate Can Capitalism have a heart? - asks Sarah Montague on BBC Today. She interviews the Church of England appointed Ken Costa, who seems a reasonable chap, but almost entirely from the perspective of Swampy and his pals. Not a word of the disgraceful behavior of those protesters who have turned Wren's masterpiece into a public latrine, whose excrement has to be cleaned from the very steps of St. Paul's. The BBC, like the COE, collude with Big Sloth, to undermine the very system that allows them all to operate. Sickening.


I am sure you will have noted the FIFA ban on the England team wearing poppies at the weekend friendly against Spain. I tuned in to the BBC'sNolan show this morning (Stuck in traffic and I'm a masochist!) and who was the guest expert commentator? Why none other than my old pal from the Sunday Morning Live green room, the former Biship of Hulme, Stephen Lowe. (You will recall my slight verbal altercation with him yesterday in connection to the wearing of poppies, he being somewhat conflicted about whether to wear a Red Poppy.) Can you guess the view the former Bishop was advocating to the fury of quite a few listeners? Yes, that's right, he heartily approves of the FIFA ban on the England players and feels that the Poppy is somehow devalued if everyone wears it. He also made a passing reference to the "Empire" origins of the Poppy. Now, I have no issue with this socialist cleric holding the views that he does, after all we live in a democracy. But I do wonder WHY the BBC seems so keen to provide him with platform after platform? Is it because his views resonate with them in the same way as my views appall them? Where is the balance?