Thursday, November 03, 2011
Obama of the Muslim World Hugs New Sultan
ICC to Investigate NATO for War Crimes in Libya
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Barry Rubin on Obama's Pro-Islamist Strategy
Opinion: Obama Believes He Can Tame IslamistsTuesday, November 01, 2011
Libyan Rebels Fight Each Other in Hospital
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Friday, 4 November 2011
Limitless Libyan lunacy. Click here for the story.
In fact, NATO did destroy Libya--for no good reason. The regime had made peace with the West and had cooperated closely in the war against Al Qaeda.
Now, following the NATO intervention ... on the side of Islamist-led rebels ... the flag of Al Qaeda flag flies proudly in Libya, and Islamic law is about to be imposed in the former secular nation, known for a high standard of living.
The dictator is dead. Civil war looms.
And Americans are supposed to believe this was a great victory for freedom and democracy.
Response: Rubin really gives Obama too much credit. The pro-Islamist policy has very little, if anything, to do with democracy promotion. It is merely a cover for an imperialist foreign policy--according to Hans Morgenthau's political realist definition of the term, which is a policy that seeks to overthrow the status quo, radically the power relationships among nations. More specifically, the administration aims to use Islamism to control the energy resources of Eurasia, contain resurgent Russia, and contain and crack apart rising China.
A world war could result from this madness, which began under George W. Bush and can actually be traced all the way back, through the Reagan and catastrophic Carter administrations, and the Afghan-Soviet War and overthrow of Iran's Shah, respectively, to Eisenhower's embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood and his administration's covert support for the Muslim Brotherhood against Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
In a sense, Brzezinski beat Kissinger. The dangerous theories of Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, architect of the the secret war in Afghanistan on the side of the jihadists that Carter started and Reagan escalated and Carter's disastrous attempt to jump aboard the Islamist bandwagon in Iran, serve as Obama's guiding influence. Kissinger, the old realist who still believes in balance of power and spheres of influence, is regarded by the powers that be as brilliant ... but irrelevant.
During the CPUSA's aggressive opposition to fascism in the Popular Front period, membership in the CPUSA rose to about 75,000. However, the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact allying the Soviet Union with Germany, in 1939, resulted in a major crisis, as thousands of Jewish and other anti-fascist members left in disgust.
The CPUSA abruptly turned away from militant anti-fascism to focus its public activities on advocating "peace," opposing U.S. military preparations, and condemning those opposed to Hitler as warmongers. The CPUSA accused Winston Churchill and Roosevelt of provoking aggression against Germany and denounced the Polish government as fascist after the Germans and Soviets joined in invading Poland.
Thousands more members now found that their consciences could no longer allow them to remain in the party.
Source: New World Encyclopedia
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Britannia Radio