Time to downplay social science and emphasize jobs that make a product
Wente’s point is that the college grads who are populating the OWS protests are out of work because they mostly wanted to be in service sector jobs and educated themselves accordingly. The problem is that there aren’t enough of such jobs and the field is contracting. Yet the left wing campus and the left wing media keep promoting such useless courses. David Mamet in his book The Secret Knowledge which I have just finished and highly recommend, makes the same point.Ted Belman
Occupiers are blaming the wrong people
by Margaret Wente, Globe and Mail
Laurel O’Gorman is one of the faces of Occupy Toronto. She believes the capitalist system has robbed her of her future. At 28, she’s studying for a master’s degree in sociology at Laurentian University in Sudbury. She’s also the single mother of two children. “I’m here because I don’t know what kind of job I could possibly find that would allow me to pay rent, take care of these two children and pay back $600...
Palestine’s Useful Idiots
The power of withholding money
Palestinians Wave White Flag on Recognition From UN Agencies
Jonathan S. Tobin, COMMENTARY
now they have waved the white flag on another diplomatic front only days after they won their only success in this campaign.
the Palestinians have indicated they will not try to win the same recognition from other UN agencies as they had promised earlier in the week.
The fact that international antipathy to Israel and devotion to the Palestinian cause does not outweigh the monetary considerations of the UN and its Third World cheering section is one important point to be gleaned from this episode. But just as if not more important is that the rapid Palestinian surrender on this issue clearly indicates the correct path for the United States to pursue in countering Arab efforts to avoid recognition of Israel’s existence and to diminish America’s influence in the Middle East.
Rather than seeking to pressure Israel to make further concessions that effectively...
A real reason for revolution
Martin Sherman ranks up there with Caroline Glick. His articles are very insightful. Here he points out how the will of the majority in Israel is at the mercy of the left-wimg media who manipulate the news and the left-wing Supreme Court who substitutes its opinion and agenda for that of the Knesset representing the people. He thus calls for a revolution in which we throw the these unelected bums out and restore Israel to the people. Ted Belman
A real reason for revolution
Judging from last weekend’s less than impressive turnout for the nationwide social-justice protests, it seems that much of wind has been sucked out of the sails that billowed so impressively in the summer winds. Of course this is not entirely unexpected. After all, only the hopelessly gullible could have believed that what took place on the streets in August was a genuine reflection of socioeconomic distress across a wide cross-section of Israeli society.
For it was never an authentic...
Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America”
I beg you, Please listen to the beautiful voice of Yedida Freilich as she tells us the Bloody Truth about the UN and Israel.
This question my surprise you, Is the US (gov’t) a Friend or Enemy of Israel?, I am sure you will find the article and the answer of great interest.
Finally I would ask you to visit Israpundit regularly to get up to the minute news on Israel/US relations
Here Is a Real Star.
Kate Smith was born and grew up in Columbia, Missouri. In early 1940, Kate Smith, a fiercely patriotic American, and the biggest star on radio, was deeply worried about her country.
She asked Irving Berlin if he could give her a song that would re-ignite the spirit of American patriotism and faith. He said he had a song that he had written in 1917, but never used it.
He said she could have it. She sat at the piano & played it and realized how good it was. She called Mr. Berlin and told him that she couldn’t take this from him for nothing.
So, they agreed that...
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel