Monday, 7 November 2011

Iran: the world in four months of the Apocalypse
(# 010711/11 info)

© by Jean Tzaddik
with Stéphane Juffa
To believe that the confidential briefing of IAEA experts have provided to Western experts, just before the publication by the agency's report on Iran, we would be a few months before the atomic bomb Shiite.
According to experts of Mena, who have always provided the deadline for early 2012, by analyzing the information flowing from one week to the editor, the prognosis can be refined even four to five months at most.
Four to five months before the ayatollahs are able to achieve their first underground explosion in a site already built for this purpose. And if they felt the need, they could well do without this test.
One key way to concerns which had been expressed scientists around the world, brought together by the United States at Los Alamos, to design the craft that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was not that they would generate explosions that worried, but they were convinced that over time their invention could fall into the hands of a satrapy. And this nightmare scenario that is being realized.
To believe the information gathered by the IAEA, the Persians have the knowledge, technology, and resources (uranium sufficiently enriched in the amount necessary) to make their bomb.
This also corresponds exactly to the Hebrew forecasts that the information have continued to provide major powers in recent years, and that the services of these countries have confirmed, without unduly excite policy makers.
Russian and Western scholars, and not only Muslims and North Koreans, the Iranians helped to give birth to their newborn monstrous. And the program was more ambitious than what was expected in the West, the quantities of highly enriched uranium more substantial than what was envisaged.
The dates provided by-step services were wrong. Even within the wing "optimistic" Israeli intelligence, which ranged finalizing the project in one to three years, against the advice of the branch "realistic", that we share.
But since about a month, satellite images, including a gigantic site development, located about forty kilometers from Tehran, and Fodow near the holy city of Qom, have all Israelis agree . Doubt blur and are now reserved only unconscious.

The underground base of Parchin, forty kilometers from Tehran
The IAEA inspectors are not allowed
One of the most important bases of the Iranian bomb
We noted that the information ready to be released (today or tomorrow) by the IAEA, aroused, for some time now, the concern of experts in Vienna. But also to address the charges that we make against the penultimate boss of the International Agency for Atomic Energy Agency, Mohammed El Baradei: It has contributed significantly to minimize the risk of Iran, to pretend that we could not be sure of the existence of a nuclear weapons program, and away from public eye in his possession documents which proved the opposite of what he claimed. If we knew in real time, others knew it too. Once the crisis is over, it will review the operation at the head of the agency nerve.
Just as it would be necessary to prosecute those responsible and specialized staff of all central American intelligence gathered, which in 2007 still under halberds criticism from our feathers, yet assured, in a report dated 3 December of that year, the Iranians had halted their nuclear program.
With people of this quality in the service of the most powerful nation in the world, the globe has profound need to worry.
It will certainly make the order in this mess. But there is more urgent to do, for civilized nations, by reading the IAEA report, the most conservative and most conservative observers of proliferation of atomic weapons.
Gone are the days, indeed, to meet the Security Council to discuss the adoption of a new set of sanctions, if they can be hard. On the scale of the Earth, we are talking now in minutes, more hours, weeks or months.
The only remedy is now possible to neutralize the fullest possible facilities for the nuclear industry Persian. To do this, the participation of all major military powers would be desirable. It is not known yet how these nations will react, and nothing is less certain as to imagine that they are attuned to stem the common risk.
And I do not mean at all that poor Alain Juppe, once again lagging behind, and France with him when he suggested last week, to prevent the bomb from the UN sanctions.
I think the man who holds the key of the device desirable, the president of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama. There he reached the moment of truth of its mandate and has procrastinated until it was possible to consider a diplomatic solution. He overused valuable time, as the Europeans, accepting several times to participate in discussions with the bottle sent to Khamenei.
There was Catherine Ashton, the head of Foreign Affairs of the European Union, to direencouragée and confident in the outcome of these meetings. Yet another job to rethink ...
The bottom line is that if Obama does not take the bull by the horns, it will then instantly put humanity in danger of eradication. And it seems, unfortunately, the resident of the White House, despite the essential information he now holds, has still not developed a clear idea of ​​the extent of the risk that the bomb would weigh on the Shiite world.
Much is at stake in terms of military strategy: with the United States "in the know", we would use a consistent choice to drown the defenses of "Republic" Islamic under fire, depriving it of look up to, do even contemplating to respond.
Deprived of the extraordinary firepower U.S. should proceed with the Israeli strikes focusing tricky and precise, but limited in number, against the enemy's nuclear infrastructure, and missile factories.
Note, that partnerships are at all is to establish coalitions without the United States.That's what was spent visiting the British army chief in Tel Aviv a few days ago.
Pending the response of each other, one thing is almost gained; Jerusalem will not allow a dictatorship openly advocating another holocaust of six million Jews, sixty-six years after the fall of Hitler, to develop the ultimate weapon.
When will start the largest US-Israeli joint exercises, which will involve five thousand men, in a full-scale exercise to deal with a ballistic missile attack, Washington would like its ally committed, at least, not undertake a military campaign without telling solo before.
But in Jerusalem, we are convinced that the role naturally devoted to America is the leader of the coalition against Iran and that if Obama discards, if left to the care of his allies save the world without his help we did not alert in advance, because there is also concern that intervene to put a spanner in the operation.
Leon Panetta, the US Secretary of Defense, came to ask Netanyahu and Barak, they do not put his country before the fait accompli of a transaction that would have started without him. He left without that he was looking for. In this way, the two Hebrew leaders plan to increase the pressure on the shoulders of the president, so it does not deflate.
The face of danger became unbearably tangible air s'électrifie. Swaggering Iranian leaders, telling the scenes that we do not have the audacity to hit, and the price that the West would have to pay, if attacked, would be exorbitant.
The diplomatic language will give way to military vocabulary. Each will be placed to fulfill its obligations with zero flexibility. The decisions made this week will help change the face of the world, democracies are once again forced to oppose by force an anti-human regime. A year for which they have always had a hard time get in your legs.