Sunday, 13 November 2011
"The United States of Europe" written in 1927 by Arthur Salter
"The rise of a "technocracy" was always part of the plan for Europe."
Following is an extract from a paper called "The United States of Europe" written in 1927 by Arthur Salter, one of the people mentioned here by Christopher.
"Zollvereins have been often preached, not infrequently attempted, but never, I think, realised, except under the conditions of an overwhelming political motive and an extremely close political association between the countries concerned.
A consideration of the principal factors Involved will explain this. A Zollverein means a common tariff, which involves a political instrument to determine it; it means the distribution of the proceeds to all the member States, and again therefore a political instrument to determine how the distribution should be made.
The commercial and tariff policy of European States is so central and crucial a part of their general policy, the receipts from Customs are so central and substantial a part of their revenues, that a common political authority, deciding for all Europe what tariffs should be imposed and how they should be distributed, would be for every country almost as Important as, or even more important than, the national Governments, and would in effect reduce the latter to the status of municipal authorities."
I thought it might help some readers here that might think Christopher is making this stuff up.
This column must be one of the most relevant and true commentaries of our times that benefits from actually getting a mass airing in the generally dreadful and childish MSM.
Thank you Christopher, and thank you Richard (North) aka Kubizek... get well soon.
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Britannia Radio