Thursday, 29 December 2011

Christian Professor’s Potter-Mania
For going on 200 years, churchmen have been surrendering ground to unbelief. When Darwin published his Theory of Evolution in 1859, they couldn’t wait to hop on board. When German academics came out with “higher criticism” a few years later—this is a euphemism for denying the divinity of Christ—churchmen lapped it up like chocolate syrup. A high official of the.....
by Lee Duigon

Ron Paul Under Fire for Praising Accused Traitor
Fox News is the latest news organization to pick up on the revelation, first reported by AIM, that Ron Paul had praised WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning as a hero and patriot. Directly referring to WikiLeaks and Army soldier Bradley Manning being held in detention, Paul said, “Should he be locked up in prison or should we see him as a political hero? Maybe he is a true patriot—who reveals what’s going on..."...

Heartfelt Reflections on 2011
This reflection of the year 2011 is probably much like your Christmas letter. You must admit, we Americans enjoy a fabulous country. Even the poorest among us enjoy opportunities, food, shelter, education, medical care and hope. While 2011 may not have been so good on the world stage or many individual lives, here in America, at least for today, we carry hope within our hearts and we work toward a better tomorrow......
by Frosty Wooldridge