Thursday, 29 December 2011

Is the Fabric of Industrialized Society Starting to Unravel? Highly Complex Civilizations are More Vulnerable to Collapse

'This is one of the most important trends you'll see in 2012 and beyond: Global supply lines are breaking down. The just-in-time system of deliveries on tap is deteriorating. Have you noticed how often the products or parts you need are backordered or delayed? That's what I'm talking about.

Try to order 3TB hard drives for data storage. You'll discover they're all back-ordered. When you order items from that are shipped by third party companies, they're often delayed due to sourcing problems. Even our own NaturalNews Store has suffered from sourcing challenges, where customer demand is much higher than the available supply, and the suppliers sometimes can't get us products in a timely manner.'

Read more: Is the Fabric of Industrialized Society Starting to Unravel? Highly Complex Civilizations are More Vulnerable to Collapse