Thursday, 29 December 2011

We are a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, ruled by a supreme government in Brussels.

We owe this government neither loyalty nor obedience.

It is not our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy.

Already, with precious little currently to report, the newspapers (and, I presume, the broadcast media) are doing a Proverb 26:11, revisting its stories of the past year, and with it their distorted world view.

That view is the cumulative effect of their output. Some of those stories are pure invention. A few are reported accurately but all reflect the inbuilt selection bias of a media which leaves far more information unused than is ever reported. Nevertheless, this is a media that finds space (and time) for acres of trivia and tat - and multiple pages for saturation coverage of single stories - thus completely distorting the news agenda and our perception of it.

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We are a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, ruled by a supreme government in Brussels. We owe this government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy.

I wrote this yesterday – and then a forum member refers me to this by William Bowles:
The old Anarchist cry of "Do not adjust your mind, there's a fault in reality" takes on an entirely new kind of import given the power of the media to determine what's "real" for us.

What this means is that the media effectively acts as an agent provocateur for the state and big business as it decides for us what is actually going on in the world. In turn, progressives make decisions based not on what needs to be done, but as a reaction to the "news" in a weird political version of the Heisenberg Effect.
The media is something of a pre-occupation of this blog, or so it would seem. Actually, ours is a greater concern: democracy. And the media is essential to the proper functioning of a democracy, or so it is said – hence the interest.

The Bowles piece chimes absolutely with some of my own pieces. The ultimate ambition of the contemporary media is (for whatever reasons) to set the agenda. Ours is to realise this, and to render those attempts futile. A free man decides for himself what he thinks. Slaves go for their instructions – and in this society they get them from the MSM.

A pre-New Year resolution

Posted by Richard Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Already, with precious little currently to report, the newspapers (and, I presume, the broadcast media) are doing a Proverb 26:11, revisiting its stories of the past year, and with it their distorted world view.

That view is the cumulative effect of their output. Some of those stories are pure invention. A few are reported accurately but all reflect the inbuilt selection bias of a media which leaves far more information unused than is ever reported. Nevertheless, this is a media that finds space (and time) for acres of trivia and tat - and multiple pages for saturation coverage of single stories - thus completely distorting the news agenda and our perception of it.

For the newspapers, this is unlikely to be malicious. The people who run them are largely in the business to make money and, to do that, they are all chasing circulation and advertising. That shapes their coverage or, more to the point, the mistaken view of the print media on how to complete with 24-hour TV news coverage dictates their response.

Central to this is the belief that youth and female readership must be fostered, to which effect the middle-aged, middle class, white male has been abandoned. Long ago, the media declared war on us, deciding we were not wanted on passage. Not for them was the understanding that the reason I read a particular paper was because my father read it, and his father before that.

Thus, as even the Failygraph gave over the bulk of its page to the yoof and girlie agenda, abandoning news and intelligent analysis in favour of tat passed off as entertainment, we its core readership are abandoning it in droves, visiting only the website, some of us more to stare in disbelief than to be informed.

What is disappointing and terrifying in equal measure though is the evident propensity of so many readers still to believe uncritically what they are told. Most will claim to subscribe to the aphorism, "never believe what you read in the papers", only then to believe what they read or see on the television.

Some time ago, before the collapse of the Soviet Union, dissident Czech novelist Zdener Urbanekobserved: "In dictatorships we are more fortunate than you in the West in one respect. We believe nothing of what we read in the newspapers and nothing of what we watch on television, because we know it's propaganda and lies. Unlike you in the West, we've learned to look behind the propaganda and to read between the lines, and unlike you, we know that the real truth is always subversive".

What he might have said, though, is that the whole truth is subversive. I am more and more convinced that the primary means by which the agenda is shaped is by leaving so much unsaid. News is only news – in the opinion of the MSM – when the MSM says it is. The rest, by inference, shall be ignored – and it is that which distorts our perception of the world.

Hence the pre-New Year resolution. We shall ignore the MSM retrospectives – they don't mean nuffink, other than to perpetuate the distortions the media have been hawking all year. Their news is not our news. The MSM are aliens in our midst, trying to sell us a false bill of goods.

You can ignore EUReferendum – a lot of people do. But you then have to ignore Booker, Hitchens, and even Hansard and sundry others, if you want to stay unaware of the simple fact that Cameron did not cast a veto on a treaty or anything else at the European Council on the night of 8/9 December.

Such is the ostrich-like behaviour of Tory Boy Blog which for its end of year survey of "Tory" opinion, asks all-comers to comment on such delights as: "The veto has been of exaggerated importance and it won't be long before we realise Britain's relationship with the EU will continue as before".

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We are a satellite state of the Greater European Empire, ruled by a supreme government in Brussels. We owe this government neither loyalty nor obedience. It is not our government. It is theirs. It is our enemy.