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The following are the top Palestinian media clips of 2011. The clips fall into the following categories: Antisemitic, Anti-Western, Anti-American, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Palestinian Officials) and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Terrorism and Other). For more from the Palestinian Media Studies Project page, visithttp://www.memri.org/palestinianmediastudies. ANTISEMITICMEMRI TV CLIP No. 3227 – Hamas Preacher in Gaza Sermon Cites Antisemitic Hadith and Calls: Death to the Jews and to America MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3166 – Khodhr Habib, a Member of the Islamic Jihad Leadership in Gaza, Vows: We Will Give You Nothing but Bombs, Spears and Swords, Which Will Slit Your Throats MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3190 – Islamic Militants in Gaza: Allah's Teachings Are the Fire with Which "We Harvest the Skulls of the Jews"; "We Move Closer to Allah through Blood, Body Parts, and Martyrs" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3146 – Deputy Speaker of Hamas Parliament Ahmad Bahr: We Will Sweep the Siblings of Pigs and Apes out of Our Land MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3118 – Delegation of Sudanese Islamists Visits Gaza, Vows to Wage Jihad against the Jews MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2959 – PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "We Refuse to Recognize a Jewish State" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3163 – PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: I Will Never Recognize a Jewish State; The Capturing of Israeli Soldier Gilad Shalit Was a Good Thing MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2943 – Palestinian-Lebanese Businessman and Activist Yasser Qachlaq: We Should Throw Those Jews, "Those Human Pieces of Filth," Back to Their True Countries MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2934 – Hamas MP and Cleric Yunis Al-Astal: The Jews Were Brought to Palestine for the "Great Massacre" through which Allah Will "Relieve Humanity of Their Evil" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2929 – 92-Year-Old Palestinian Woman in a Right-of-Return Demonstration: Palestinians Should Massacre the Jews Like We Massacred Them in Hebron MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2897 – Former Hamas Minister of Culture 'Atallah Abu Al-Subh: "The Jews Are the Most Despicable and Contemptible Nation to Crawl upon the Face of the Earth" ANTI-WESTERNMEMRI TV CLIP No. 3238 – Jordanian Sheik Nader Tamimi, Mufti of the Palestinian Liberation Army, to the West: We Will Restore the Caliphate and You Will Pay the Jizya "or Else We Will Bring the Sword to Your Necks" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3189 – Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar: Western Civilization "Will Not Be Able to Withstand the Great and Glorious Islam" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2904 – Hamas Leaders Respond to Agreement with Fatah – Deputy Head of Political Bureau Moussa Abu Marzouq: "The Quartet Has Become Obsolete" ANTI-AMERICANMEMRI TV CLIP No. 3227 – Hamas Preacher in Gaza Sermon Cites Antisemitic Hadith and Calls: Death to the Jews and to America MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3194 – Sheik Nael Misran Abu Muhammad Says, in Gaza Sermon: The Boy Obama Helps the Dog Bashar Al-Assad MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3129 – Fatah Central Committee Member Jibril Rajoub: Obama's UN Speech Idiotic, "Sounded Like the Speech of a Student Leader" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3128 – Murad Al-Sudani, Secretary-General of the Palestinian Writers' Union: The Palestinian Leadership Is Hurling Shoes in the Face of America MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3125 – Palestinian Analyst Sa'id Erekat, Former Spokesman of UN Delegation to Iraq, Says Palestinians "Disappointed" by US President Obama's Speech to the UN General Assembly MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2923 – Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al Condemns the Way Bin Laden Was Killed MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2912 – Preacher Eulogizes Bin Laden at Al-Aqsa Mosque and Warns: Obama Will Soon Be "Hanging from the Gallows," Next to Bush MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2910 – Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya Condemns the Killing of the "Muslim Mujahid" Osama Bin Laden ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT (PALESTINIAN OFFICIALS)MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3167 – PLO spokesman in Lebanon Ahmad Assaf: "If Armed Resistance Can Accomplish the Goals of the Palestinian People, We Will Not Hesitate Even for a Second" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3166 – Khodhr Habib, a Member of the Islamic Jihad Leadership in Gaza, Vows: We Will Give You Nothing but Bombs, Spears and Swords, Which Will Slit Your Throats MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3165 – Khalil Al-Khayeh, Member of the Hamas Gaza Leadership, Salutes Released Palestinian Prisoners, "The Heroes of the Knife, the Heroes of Martyrdom Operations, Jihad, and the Resistance" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3163 – PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: I Will Never Recognize a Jewish State; The Capturing of Israeli Soldier Gilad Shalit Was a Good Thing MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3130 – Fatah Central Committee Member Abbas Zaki Calls Netanyahu and Obama "Scumbags" and Says: "The Greater Goal Cannot Be Accomplished in One Go" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3127 – PLO Executive Committee Member Taysir Khaled: Obama Has Forgotten That "the Victims of the Nazi Beast Are Practicing the Same Criminal Methods" against the Palestinians MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3051 – Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar Slams PA President Abbas for "Aimless Kangaroo-Like" Political Gymnastics and Says: We Will Not Relinquish Any Piece of Palestinian Land" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3046 – Nabil Shaath, Head of Foreign Relations in Fatah: We Will Never Accept the "Two-States for Two Peoples" Solution to the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3002 – Hamas Leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar Stresses that Hamas Is Not Following in the Footsteps of Fatah: We Do Not Recognize Israel and Do Not Give Up the Rest of Palestine MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2993 – Former Top PA Security Chief Muhammad Dahlan Attacks PA President Mahmoud Abbas: He Can Take the Decision to Fire Me and Shove It MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2950 – PA Honors Families of Arch-Terrorists Serving Life Sentences for the Murder of Hundreds MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2949 – Osama Hamdan Head of the Hamas Foreign Liaisons: Armed Confrontation Will Continue to Be "the Backbone of the Resistance", the Israelis Must Return to Their Countries of Origin MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2810 – Fatah Spokesman in Europe Jamal Nazzal: PLO Killed More Israeli Soldiers in Lebanon in 1982 than Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hizbullah Killed in 30 Years MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2777 – Fatah Official in Charge of Jerusalem Hatem Abd Al-Qader: Palestinian-Israeli Negotiations Constitute Crisis Management, Buying Us Time Until Circumstances Change ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT (TERRORISM AND OTHERS)MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3198 – Friday Sermon on Palestinian Authority TV: Oh Allah, Drive Our Enemies Out of the Levant, Just as You Drove Them Out of the Arabian Peninsula MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3157 – Released Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, Sentenced to 16 Life Terms in Prison, Takes Pride in the Number of Casualties She Caused and Proclaims: I Would Do It Again Today MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3156 – Released Terrorist Muhammad Abu Ataya, Sentenced to 16 Life Terms in Prison, Brandishes Gun and Says: Netanyahu "Will Not Deter Us from Continuing the Journey of Resistance" MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3122 – TV Exclusive on "Taliban Palestine" Group Operating in Gaza MEMRI TV CLIP No. 3093 – Palestinian Authority TV Report Honors Family of Palestinian Terrorist 'Amer Abu Sarhan, Serving Three Life Sentences for Stabbing Three Israelis to Death in 1990 MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2952 – Speakers at Pro-Bin Laden Rally in Gaza Strip Praise 9/11 and Say: Osama Lives On in Our Hearts MEMRI TV CLIP No. 2908 – Hamas TV Extolls Female Palestinian Suicide Bombers and Jihad Fighters: Jihad-Fighting Mothers Urge Their Sons to Seek Martyrdom |