Taxpayer funded children's museum to hold Muslim program Smart Growth Centralizing Wealth in the New Earth Age Government report: U.S. border security still has weaknesses ATF Wants to Regulate Chore Boy and 14" Shoelaces
The New York City, taxpayer-funded Children's Museum of New York is planning a major exhibition titled, "Muslim Worlds" which is scheduled to begin a long-term engagement in 2014. According to information provided by the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations, "Muslim Worlds" will have hands-on exhibits, performances and other events geared toward getting children involved with the thousands of years of cultural heritage that has come from the Muslim world......
by Jim Kouri
The original American system declared independence from the imperial British colonial governance model it was born into. Local rule was established and protected under U.S. national and state constitutions well into the 19th century. Protecting the rights of common born individuals to self governance over their private property was the legitimate purpose for government in the United States. In spite of all the conflicts within the national banking and tariff system.......
by Niki Raapana
The Government Accountability Office examined the results of covert tests conducted over more than 2 years and found significant weaknesses in the CBP inspection process at the ports of entry that were tested. In response to these tests, CBP developed a “Back to Basics” course. Recent incidents involving potential terrorists attempting to enter the country highlight the need for a vigilant and well-trained workforce at the border......
by NWV News
The ATF assumes the right under the US Code to warn consumers that "stockpiling" copper scouring pads can legally be construed as a violation of the National Firearms Act 18 USC 92[a][24] because Chore Boy® can, and with provocation will, be considered an essential component of a gun silencer. As such, the ATF believes the federal government has a right to regulate the use of.....
by Jon Christian Ryter
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Posted by Britannia Radio at 18:34