Thursday, December 29, 2011
Muslim Terrorists Kill Toddler, Parents in Nigeria
Iran Claims it Shot Video of US Carrier
No Letup in Syrian Violence
Supreme Leader Presides Over Dear Leader's Funeral
Israel Prepares for New Type of War
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Libyan Stability Threatened by Militias
Nuclear N. Korea's Nixon-Era Lincolns
US, Israel Reportedly Debate Iran 'Red Lines'
When to attack nuclear-arming, missile-mad Iran? Read all about it here.Muslim Brotherhood Promises to 'Kill All Jews'
The supposedly "moderate" Islamist Muslim Brotherhood--the group that spawned Al Qaeda, tried to assassinate Nasser, and succeeded in killing Sadat--the Hitler-admiring clerical fascist movement that Obama backed against the pro-American, peace-preserving Mubarak, held a rally last Friday in Cairo's leading mosque, where the crowd chanted "Tel Aviv" and speakers promised to one day "kill all the Jews." Click here for the report.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
'Military First' Funeral Message:
'Kim is Dead, Long Live Kim'
Foreign Confidential™ Forecast
1. As a show of strength--to establish the Supreme Leader's street cred.
2. To make money. The impoverished, Stalinist North's oil-rich partner in proliferation, Islamist Iran, is prepared to pay Pyongyang for nuclear and missile tests (a) to advance Iran's technical knowledge, and (b) to divert international attention from Iran's nuclear/missile crimes. Iran is eager to distract and humiliate the United States in the eyes of the world ahead of Iran's coming conflict with the U.S. and Israel over Iran's nuclear program.
Foreign Confidential™ Political Word of the Day: Kimism
The principles and practices of North Korea's ruling elite, combining the brutality and dysfunctionality of an organized crime family with Stalinist Communism and a bizarre, multi-generaltional, dynastic personality cult built around the country's two deceased dictators, "Eternal President" Kim Il Sung and his son, "Dear Leader" Kim Jong Il, and the latter's Kim's son and current despot, "Great Successor" and "Supreme Leader" Kim Jong Un.
But how to attack?
That's the more important question.
Iran has vowed to bombard Israel with 150,000 missiles and attack Israeli (Jewish) interests around the world if Iran comes under attack by either the United States or Israel. The 150,000 figure may be an exaggeration; but there is no doubt that Iran, together with its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, has tens of thousands of missiles--enough missiles to "burn Tel Aviv," as Iran has repeatedly and publicly vowed--and sufficient Hezbollah/IRGC Quds Force killers to make good on the overseas terror threat.
And the embattled Syrian regime, which is supported by Iran, and which is bristling with both missiles and chemical warheads, has also vowed to destroy Tel Aviv from the air.
Therefore, any attack on the monstrous mullahocracy that does not wipe out its military might--really end the Iranian Islamist menace--is going to put Israeli civilians at risk to an unacceptable degree.
Put differently, Iran's nuclear program (as far as we know) is tomorrow's existential threat; but Iranian and Hezbollah missiles threaten Israel's existence today.
Israel alone does not have the conventional firepower to eradicate the Iranian nuclear/missile/terrorist threat. Only the U.S. can accomplish this--with wave after wave of aerial attacks, including the swift and merciless use of stealth bombers and cruise missiles.
Of course, it should not have come to this. But the pro-Islamist Obama administration appeased and actually attempted to align with Iran in a Grand Bargain aimed at pacifying Pakistan and Afghanistan. The disastrous policy, dubbed engagement (code for collaboration), allowed Iran time to advance its nuclear program so that it is now dangerously close to crossing the above-referenced "red lines." For national security reasons, then, i.e. because there is no obvious deterrent against an anonymous, indirect, deniable atomic attack by Iran on the U.S. homeland, and in order to make certain that Israel will not have to defensively draw on its presumed nuclear arsenal to prevent its population centers from being rubbled, the administration should … must … use whatever force may be necessary to annihilate the Iranian regime.
If not for Israel's presumed nuclear deterrent, in fact, Iran would already have tried to destroy the Jewish State.
An Implacable Enemy
Islamist Iran, which was involved in 9/11, is an implacable enemy of the United States. Khomeini's turbaned tyranny should never have been allowed to take power in the first place; but the Craven Carter administration sided with Khomeini and his Hitlerian Islamist forces and betrayed and abandoned Iran's staunchly pro-American Shah, a modernizing monarch, in one of the most perfidious episodes in the history of U.S. foreign policy.
After 9/11, the Bush administration should have obliterated the Iranian regime. Instead, Bush stupidly attacked Iraq, a secular, contained foe, in the most monumental U.S. strategic blunder since the unnecessary Vietnam war.
There is still time for Obama (of "the Muslim World") to redeem himself.
Appeasement has made war inevitable; but the conflict does not have to be fought on Iran's terms.
Will Obama do the right thing? Probably not. This reporter suspects the U.S. President is secretly counting on Israel to be badly hurt by retaliatory Iranian/Hezbollah/Syrian missile strikes in order to be able to link a decisive, 11th-hour, anti-Iran, U.S. intervention and/or escalation--to prevent Israel from going nuclear--to a commitment by Israel to withdraw to pre-June 1967 boundaries in order to achieve that with which he is most obsessed, creation of a "contiguous Palestinian state" consisting of the disputed West Bank territories, including the eastern part of Israel's capital, Jerusalem, and the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, with an Israel-slicing land corridor connecting the areas.
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