Friday 6 January 2012

The coming war with Iran

By Reza Kahlili, The Washington Times

Iran’s tyrannical leaders, determined to make the Islamic regime a nuclear-armed state, are preparing for war. That’s exactly what the United States and Israel might have to deliver, and soon. @-Text.rag:Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered the Revolutionary Guards in May to speed up the regime’s nuclear-bomb program and arm its missiles with nuclear warheads. Now, sources reveal, Ayatollah Khamenei has ordered the guards to prepare for war.

In a recent meeting of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, it was decided that the possibility of an attack by Israel or America in 2012 is real and that the country’s forces need to prepare several contingencies for war. It also was concluded that in case of war, the regime could be victorious, though the cost would be high, but it would emerge as the one and only champion of the Islamic cause in the world.

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The Supreme Need to Fix the Israeli Supreme Court

By Steven Plaut

For years I have been claiming that Israel has a politicized dual
justice system, where one set of rules operates for leftists and
another for everyone else. For years I have been insisting that the
Prosecution or Attorney General’s Office in Israel is partisan and
politicized and biased.

I of course have not been the only person saying such things.
But now such accusations carry new weight because very similar
comments to my own are being made this week by … (drumroll) … Israel’s
Minister of Justice, Yaakov Neeman. Neeman is lashing out against the
Attorney General for the latter’s bias and arbitrary partisanship in

But Neeman is going further than that. To explain what he has been
doing, you need to understand the structure of Israel’s judicial
system. For many years it has been subordinated to the
anti-democratic doctrines of “judicial activism” promoted by the

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Muslim Brotherhood Realities New and Old

by Steven Emerson, IPT News
January 5, 2012

The votes still aren’t fully counted in Egypt, but the Obama administration has seen enough to reverse long-standing and well-rooted policies to shun the theocratic, global Caliphate-minded Muslim Brotherhood, whose philosophy spawned terrorist movements from Hamas to al-Qaida.

High level meetings between American and Brotherhood officials reflect a “new political reality here , and indeed around the region,” the New York Times reported in a front-page article Wednesday, “as Islamist groups come to power.”

What is astounding and dangerous about the new U.S. recognition is the fact that Brotherhood leaders became more openly radical and militant once Mubarak was thrown out, issuing incendiary speeches calling for “martyrdom” operations against Israel and aligning with Hamas and other terrorist groups. Yet as...

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The Guardian smears alleged Jewish power in US

How pejorative characterization of U.S. supporters of Israel crept into Guardian essay about Rick Santorum

by Adam Levick, CIF WATCH

Dan Savage’s report in CiF America (Rick Santorum’s homophobic frothing, Jan 5) was ostensibly about the anti-gay politics of Republican Presidential candidate, Rick Santorum. However, as with so many critiques of American conservatives in the Guardian, Savage couldnt’ help contextualize Santorum’s views without an unrelated pejorative characterization of Christian Zionists.

While I’m personally sympathetic to Savage’s views on the rights of the LGBT community – and, without question, one of the many moral advantages Israel has over its neighbors is the legal protections afforded to its sexual minorities – there is a passage in his essay as gratuitous as it is bigoted.

As with other Guardian reporters and contributors, Savage’s a priori assumption is that support for Israel couldn’t merely reflect a moral and rational decision...

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Saudis, Gulf states on war alert for early US-Iran clash

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report January 5, 2012,

The armies of Saudi Arabia and fellow Gulf Cooperation Council states stood ready Thursday Jan. 5, for Washington to stand up to Iranian threats and send an aircraft carrier or several warships through the Strait of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf. Riyadh has been leaning hard on the Obama administration not to let Tehran get away with its warning to react with “full force” if the USS Stennis aircraft carrier tried to reenter the Gulf or Iran’s pretensions to control the traffic transiting the world’s most important oil route.

Wednesday night, the Iranian parliament began drafting a bill prohibiting foreign warships from entering the Gulf without Tehran’s permission.

debkafile’s Washington sources report that Saudi Arabia has warned the Obama administration that Iranian leaders mean what they say; their leaders are bent on provoking a military clash with the United States at a time and place of their...

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Spain’s Jew-Hating Majority

by Anna Mahjar-Barducci, STONEGATE INSTITUTE

“The levels of anti-Semitism in Spain are among the highest in Europe,” wrote the Spanish daily, El Pais. According to a poll, presented on November 30 during the Fourth International Seminary on Antisemitism hosted at the Caja Navarra Foundation in Madrid, 52% of Spanish students declared that they would not like to have a Jewish classmate sitting next to them, and 58% of adults thought that Jews have too much power and that they are all too rich.

The organizers of the Madrid conference said they were sad an bewildered that anti-Semitism “is a problem that is often denied in the country.” The Federation of the Jewish Communities in Spain (FCJE) also stated that although surveys indicate that there are high levels of “hostility” towards Jews, “most leaders and media persons believe there is no prejudice whatsoever against...

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Why Anti-Semitism Is Moving Toward the Mainstream

In the mid-eighties, Ernst Zundal was prosecuted in Canada for Holocaust denial. For the prosecution to succeed, it had to prove that the holocaust did exist or more specifically that millions Jews really to get exterminated. Many survivor s were called to testify. To his credit the Judge obviously concluded that the holocaust did in fact occur but he went even further. He took “judicial notice” of the fact. This meant that in Canada, the Holocaust is accepted as fact and need not be proven. Ted Belman

For the first time since the end of World War II, classic anti-Semitic tropes—”the Jews” control the world and are to blame for everything that goes wrong, including the financial crisis; “The Jews killed Christian children in order to use the blood to bake Matzo; the Holocaust never happened—are becoming acceptable and legitimate subjects for academic and political discussion. To understand why these...

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The Pentagon to Send US Troops to Israel. Iran is the Unspoken Target

See also: US commander visits Israel to finalize missile drill

January 2, 2012. Jerusalem. In one of the most blacked-out stories in America right now, the US military is preparing to send thousands of US troops, along with US Naval anti-missile ships and accompanying support personnel, to Israel.

It took forever to find a second source for confirmation of this story and both relatively mainstream media outlets are in Israel. With one source saying the military deployment and corresponding exercises are to occur in January, the source providing most of the details suggests it will occur later this spring. Calling it not just an “exercise”, but a “deployment”, the Jerusalem Post quotes US Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc, Commander of the US Third Air Force based in Germany. The US Commander visited Israel two weeks ago to confirm details for “the deployment of several thousand American soldiers to Israel.” In an effort to respond to recent Iranian threats and...

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The New Austrian Fascism

Laura: An Austrian housewife is the victim of the new European fascism. The wretched, cowardly Austrian authorities have bowed to their islamic supremacist masters and are enforcing islamic blasphemy laws on their own citizens. An appellate court has upheld the conviction of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff on charges of denigrating religious belief because she had the audacity to criticize islam. The OIC is pressuring our own State Department to make criticism of islam a crime in America. I don’t expect the American people to put up with what the Europeans are allowing. Western civilization needs to regain the self-respect and confidence to exert and uphold our rights within our own nations, to proclaim unapologetically our cultural superiority and the superiority of our values.

“A Black Day for Austria”

by Soeren Kern
December 26, 2011 at 5:00 am

An Austrian appellate court has upheld the conviction of...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel