Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Daily Crux reader,

Here is your Crux AM update:

This high-flying stock could be headed to new all-time highs
Has finally broken out of its multi-year trading range...

Presenting the 10 most corrupt politicians in Washington today
Not surprisingly, they're split evenly between democrats and republicans...

This could be a super-bullish sign for stocks to start the New Year
"There is something very fascinating occurring in the markets..."

Top economic forecaster: 2012 could mark the end of the euro
"By the end of the year, at least one country (and probably more) will leave..."

Gov't OUTRAGE: Obama officially becomes one of the worst presidents in history
The sneaky New Year's Eve development you probably missed...

Five global "hotspots" to watch in 2012
"Places where attention is likely to be rewarded, and neglect punished..."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux