Sunday 8 January 2012

Daily Mail print their work of fiction

How deeply sad it is that with the world in such a perilous state, with so much appalling suffering happening and while even the most basic freedoms are being deleted, that the only response that some people can make is to seek to undermine someone who has spent the last 22 years alerting people to the forces behind what is happening.

This is especially bizarre when the people concerned promote themselves as 'love, light and peace'. But, of course, words are easy and by their actions shall we know them.

To choose the medium of a British national newspaper - no doubt for a significant amount of money - that despises everything I stand for and am trying to do says it all, really.

My only response is what I told the Daily Mail:

'Why is this being claimed for the first time now, nearly five years after she left, when she was posting 'thank you, David Icke' and 'it was wonderful' for years on her website before she ran out of money because she refuses to work and began court proceedings to get more from me?

Now, suddenly, the whole story has changed - the 'thank-you' and 'it was wonderful' are replaced by 'he was abusive'. What a joke and people will see exactly what is going on here.

No one "turned me against" Pamela Richards except Pamela Richards and her infamous behaviour.'

With that, I am done with it. There is work to do.

Here is the 'article' ... enjoy ...

Read here ...

'Little of what was stated in the article is true. Pamela is one of the most unscrupulous and delusion-ridden people I have ever encountered. I don't know who should be more ashamed of running a story like this - Pamela or the Daily Mail.' - Regina Meredith, Conscious Media Network.

'You are going to face ... an attempt to bring you down by someone who has the ability to make people feel pity for them, aided and abetted by others, but this attempt to discredit you will not succeed' - Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa to David Icke, August, 2010.'