Sunday, 1 January 2012

David Cameron 'to fall well short on immigration target'

David Cameron will fail to hit his target of reducing the number of immigrants

arriving in Britain to below 100,000, a new report predicts.

Border control
Border control: ministers are preparing a crackdown

The study by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) suggests net migration – the difference between those leaving the country and those coming here – will fall next year from 200,000 to around 180,000.

However, that will leave the coalition still far away from the aim outlined by the Prime Minister – despite a battery of new restrictions on immigration which are coming into effect – with just two and half years to go until the next general election.

Mr Cameron has pledged to bring net immigration down to the “tens of thousands”, although this is not formal government policy because of big differences of approach between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats which are enshrined in the 2010 Coalition Agreement.

In a speech in October, Mr Cameron announced his latest crackdown on numbers – including urging members of the public to report suspected illegal immigrants and legislating to make forced marriage a criminal offence.

Ministers also propose forcing families of would-be immigrants who want relatives to settle here to pay cash bonds of thousands of pounds and to beef up citizenship tests so they include questions on British history.

The Prime Minister has used tough rhetoric on immigration – regularly cited as a key issue in opinion polls – declaring that mass immigration has led to “discomfort and disjointedness” in neighbourhoods because some newcomers have been unwilling to integrate or learn English.

His remarks led Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, to claim he was risking “inflaming extremism” in what Mr Cable said was an “unwise” intervention.

In its report the IPPR argues that the new annual “cap” on immigrant numbers introduced by the coalition could harm economic recovery – as could cuts in overseas student numbers.

The Institute’s annual Migration Review predicts a fall in immigration from outside the European Union in 2012 of 10 per cent, and a “relatively small reduction” in immigration from within the EU because of “continuing economic stagnation” in Britain.

Businesses will be hit by curbs on “intra-company transfers” (ICTs) and falls in student numbers, it suggests, while predicting that planned curbs on family migration will have a delayed impact because of likely legal challenges.

Matt Cavanagh, the think tank’s associate director for UK migration, said: “Changes in immigration policy are slow to take effect, but 2012 will be a crucial year for coalition ministers, as they move towards the halfway mark of the Parliament.

“They will be reassured by surveys showing that the public strongly support their aim of reducing immigration, but worried by other surveys showing equally strong doubts that they will deliver this, and very mixed support at the level of detailed policies.

“IPPR’s look-ahead to trends and policy developments in 2012 suggests that, while policy changes will start to achieve significant reductions in immigration from outside the EU, this will not be enough to put the government on track to hit its target.

“In fact their best hope of doing so, perversely, would be if an economic downturn reduced immigration, and increased emigration of EU migrants already here.”