Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Dear Crux reader,

He has visited over 175 countries, lived in 12 of them, and is perhaps one of the most successful speculators alive today.

He has been called a zealot, elitist, solipsist and a financial prophet and for the past 30 years has predicted major events with such accuracy that he says he has been invited to appear on hundreds of TV and radio shows and has generated an absolute fortune in the process.

He told us that is why he has been hired as an economic advisor to the leaders of Suriname, Bulgaria, Mozambique, Palau, Cameroon, Namibia and various other nations.

As one best-selling author writes: “A hundred years from now, should mankind survive that long, he may well be remembered as one of the great prophets of our time.”

This man’s next prediction will likely raise a few eyebrows. But we encourage you to heed his warning nonetheless, as it could likely change your life. Click here to learn more.

George Rayburn
Publisher, S&A Research