Monday 9 January 2012

The Disarmament of America, Part 1
With more and more American military bases closing, analysts are pointing to that as one of the objectives of Blueprint for the Peace Race (May 1962) by the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. At the beginning of this document is a quote by President John F. Kennedy (September 25, 1961), stating his goal “…to advance together step by step, stage by stage, until general and complete.....
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D

The Inevitable
With rare exceptions like Paul Ryan, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul, few in Congress accept that big government’s days are numbered and that to avert a catastrophe dramatic reductions in spending must occur right now. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid prefers a dream world where government growth never ends........
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

Who can Defeat the Two Most Popular People on Earth?
The anti-Obama electorate is a numerical majority in America today. But it is a much divided majority at present, and unless the GOP can find a way to change that reality, there is no chance that any of the GOP candidates can compete head-to-head with an Obama/Clinton ticket backed by the entire American press. Obama is in huge negative numbers, with only 24% strongly approving and 41% strongly disapproving today. He cannot turn these numbers around without Hillary Clinton......
by JB Williams

Man Swarm: the slaughtering of America’s wildlife
Every week, I write relentless commentaries on America’s immigration-environmental predicament. I feel like most of my work falls on deaf ears after 40 years of writing and speaking on immigration-population issues. Not only that, open borders advocates call me various and vicious names. Our U.S. Congress allowed 100 million immigrants to settle into our country in the last 40 years. At current immigration rates, we expect another 100 million within 38 years......
by Frosty Wooldridge