Monday, 2 January 2012

Enhancing Israel-Asia relations


President Shimon Peres’s groundbreaking visit to Vietnam in November with a delegation of more than 60 prominent Israelis, including two government ministers and leading figures in finance, industry, agriculture and defense was a landmark event. The delegation was given a rousing welcome, including a dinner with all the members of the Vietnamese government in which Peres’s hosts surprised him with a group of Vietnamese singers who had prepared renditions of Israeli songs in excellent Hebrew.

The visit is a symbol of the many opportunities for Israel and the wider Jewish world in Asia, not only in Vietnam, but also in Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, India, China and even Indonesia. In all these countries, democratic “start up nation” Israel – excelling in water, irrigation, agriculture, medicine, communications and hi-tech – retains an aura of fascination.

Israeli experts and businessmen across a wide spectrum of industries are...

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Ron Paul Defends Iran

Laura: Ron Paul is shilling for the genocidal Iranian terror regime, defending its threat to close the Straight of Hormuz. So Paul’s opposition to the use of military force against Iran cannot be explained away by the concern over the risks that would pose to us, since the scoundrel is also against even economic sanctions. This means that Ron Paul actually wants Iran to be able to obtain nuclear weapons unimpeded.

Paul: Iran justified in closing Strait of Hormuz

NewsCNS News by: Patrick GoodenoughFriday, December 30, 2011

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, suggests Iran would be justified in closing the Strait of Hormuz in response to economic sanctions. Photo Credit:AP As Iran ratcheted up its rhetoric Thursday about closing the Strait of Hormuz, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul revisited his earlier criticisms of Western policy towards Tehran, adding that Iran would be justified in cutting off the strategic waterway in response to sanctions. …

At a campaign event in...

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PA to take issue of settlement building to UNSC

The PA totally distorts reality. The reason the peace process is not going anywhere is not because of the settlement activity on less than 2% of the land but because the PA doesn’t want to negotiate. If the UNSC supports their request, it will be violating its own Res 242 which is the basis of the peace process. They cannot alter it without destroying the peace process once and for all. Ted Belman


PLO Secretary-General Yasser Abed Rabbo said after the meeting that in the wake of the increased “settlement campaign,” the Palestinian leadership had decided to file a complaint with the Security Council against Israel.

Abed Rabbo said the goal of the Israeli settlement activities was to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and to impose a “canton” solution on the Palestinians.

He also complained that Israel’s measures were aimed at isolating east Jerusalem from the West Bank.

The Palestinian leadership called...

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Opposition leaders in Syria preparing for post-Assad era

Israel Hayom

Syrian opposition groups, already planning for the day after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad either steps down or is pushed out, met in London on Saturday and agreed that a post-Assad Syria would be both democratic and secular, according to Arab media.

Details of the agreement, seen by Reuters, point to the group’s opposition to Western military intervention in Syria, but not that of Arab military intervention. According to the document, the leading groups “reject any military intervention that harms the sovereignty or stability of the country, though Arab intervention is not considered foreign.”

Assad’s forces have been launching a vicious crackdown against pro-democracy forces, who have been calling for Assad’s exit since March. The U.N. estimates that more than 5,000 civilians have been killed since the protests began, and videos and eyewitness reports point to the use of snipers, tanks and helicopter gunships against protesters....

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If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem ……

By Ted Belman

Daniel Seidemann, the author of “The Myth of Undivided Jerusalem,” published by The Atlantic, is the founder of Terrestrial Jerusalem, an “Israeli” non-governmental organization that works to prevent developments, even if good for the city’s residents, from taking place if said developments leave the city indivisible. The top three donors of this NGO are The Norwegian Foreign Ministry, The Swiss Foreign Ministry, and The British Foreign Ministry — all of whom want Jerusalem divided — according to the organization’s own website.

The article is part of the effort of The S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace to “help reach a just and comprehensive peace that will bring an end to the Arab-Israeli conflict.”

As laudable as the search for peace is, many would argue, as I do, that agreeing to the terms of the PA — or the EU, for that matter, not to mention Hamas — would not result in peace in our time any more than such...

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“Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.” – Talmud

By Ted Belman

I received an email today from Aaron Minsky, the author of “Beyond Faith”. He uses information from his book to explain how the goal of Zionism is world peace.

He advises that A guy came to one of my You Tube videos and wrote:

    “You sick minded Jew pig, you pigs are a cancer on? this world. Fuck you & your Satan worshipping psychopath zoinist ways.”

If interested, you can see the video and his post here:

He comments

    I was going to ignore him but decided to respond. We got into an exchange of emails over many days. Finally he sent me the letter that I have copied below! It just goes to show how important it is for us to reach out to each other, even to those who seem beyond reach. This guy was in gangs since his teens and was in jail for over a decade. He never got a college education, yet he understood what I had to say better than some of my highly educated friends. He learned from me and I learned from him.

Here is the...

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The “Arab Spring” and Its Impact on Israel

The “Arab Spring” is the name given to the tumultuous political events of 2011. In three countries—Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia—the regimes that had been in power for between 40 and 60 years were overthrown. In Syria and Yemen the governments were seriously challenged and internal conflicts continue with the outcome not yet clear. And in Bahrain, a major challenge to the monarchy was put down by force.

What is the meaning of these events for the future of these countries and also to their relationship to Israel and that country’s security? This article addresses the shorter- and longer-term strategic and geopolitical implications of the “Arab Spring.”

In the three countries where power has changed hands—Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia—Islamists have emerged as powerful political forces. In Egypt, where elections are not yet completed, the Muslim Brotherhood received just under 40 percent of the vote and even more radical Salafists...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel