Friday 6 January 2012

The following is research published today from the MEMRI Special Dispatch Series and TV Project.

Special Dispatch No. 4409–U.S. And the Arab and Muslim World

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman Calls for U.S. to Take Heed of Public Opinion in New Arab World, Reach Out to Islamists

In a December 31, 2011 article titled "Embracing the New Year’s Opportunities for Change," which appeared in the English edition of the London-based daily Al-Hayat, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman praised the Arab Spring, and in particular Tunisia's Jasmine Revolution. Expressing optimism for the year 2012, he said the U.S. would continue working to "support the transitions to democracy underway in the Middle East and North Africa" by embracing the "wide spectrum of views" espoused by the Arab people. Accepting this plurality, he said, entailed "reaching out to Islamist parties, who now play an important role in the political transformation of many countries in the region."

To read the full report, visit

Special Dispatch No. 4408—India/Iraq/South Asia Studies Project/U.S. and the Arab & Muslim World

Indian Islamist Magazine's Report on Iraq War and American 'Thirst for Human Blood': Obama is 'Currently the World's No.1 Violent Extremist, the World's No. 1 Killer of Children"


Following the U.S. military withdrawal from Iraq on December 15, 2011, an Islamist weekly magazine in India published a cover-page article titled "Can Bush and Obama Be Tried for Holocaust-Genocide in Iraq?" The magazine, Radiance Viewsweekly, belongs to a group of Islamist publications in India which owe their ideological allegiance to the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, the country's leading religious organization.

In the article, the author, Dr. S. Ausaf Saied Vasfi, accuses the U.S. of committing "genocide" against millions of Muslims in Iraq and other Muslim countries and argues that the American "thirst for human blood" will lead the U.S. to attack Iran. Dr. Vasfi states: "The point is - what does the U.S. now propose to do to quench its thirst for human blood? Our thinking - rather the world's thinking - is the next target would be Iran."

He adds: "It looks as if the entire Muslim area – West Asia and North Africa – are the primary areas of U.S.'s bloody interest for three reasons: one, because the would-be victims are Muslim, and secondly because there is oil wealth in those areas, and thirdly because this might ensure the security of the transplanted state called Israel, to whose interests the U.S. remains chained…."

To read the full report, visit