Well then, I doubt that there is anyone who has turned the BBC on today who has not been beaten around the head by the racism that abounds in the UK, in the Police, and as manifest in the murder of Stephen Lawrence. Look, like all civilised people I find the murder of any person revolting (One reason I am in favour of the death penalty, unlike the self righteous but hypocritical BBC ) but the BBC is absolutely cloying with all this talks of "Institutionalised racism." I was amazed to hear former Met Commissioner Lord (sic) Blair actually boasting about the fact that the Police no longer treat all murders as equal. Truly we live in Orwellian times. I don't understand how the BBC can elevate the murder of Stephen Lawrence to be above that of so many other vile acts but yet if we believe what it is broadcasting that is exactly the case. Do you agree?Families with children will be hardest hit by tax and benefit changes aimed at cutting the deficit, a charity argues. The Family and Parenting Institute (FPI) says the average income of households with children will drop by 4.2% between 2010-11 and 2015-16, the equivalent of £1,250 a year.
Thank goodness for the FPI, right? I mean it is doing us all a favour in exposing the cruelty of Coalition policy. Making the poor poorer,IT'S ALL ABOUT RACISM?
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Here's the odd thing. The FPI quango was set up by Labour as its main advisor on the future of the family. So, just to be accurate, the alleged "charity" is a Labour Party front producing a report which - quelle surprise - is critical of the Government. Whatever next? I have no issue with the BBC reporting the faux story - the rest of the UK MSM has followed - but I think it has an obligation to spell out who the Family and Parenting Institute is so that we can then make our minds up on the validity of the report, don't you?
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Britannia Radio