Thursday 5 January 2012

California judge deems Muslim ramming Jew with shopping cart 'protected speech'

One can only wonder what Mr. Justice Holmes would say. A California judge has found that a Muslim student who rammed a Jewish student with a shopping cart was simply exercising a right to free speech.
On Thursday U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg said the harassment, even if true, constituted protected political speech and dismissed the case against the university.

Seeborg said the university did not have any obligation to intervene in any dispute where a private individual on campus was allegedly interfering with another’s constitutional rights. He instead appeared to indicate that the incident was an outcome of Felber’s counter protest.

Felber and another Jewish student claimed the University did not do enough to prevent the harassment which included the Muslim group conducting checkpoints around the campus. Students were asked if they were Jewish while passing the checkpoints.
“The incident in which Felber was assaulted with a shopping cart, for example, did not occur in the context of her educational pursuit,” Seeborg stated. “Rather, that event occurred when she, as one person attempting to exercise free speech rights in a public forum, was allegedly attacked by another person who likewise was participating in a public protest in a public forum.”

If this is not dhimmitude!!!!???
סרג'ו הדר טזה

HaDaR- Not leftist, not rightist, not centrist: I'm just a "Torah-wing" Jew :-)


"We have not occupied a foreign land; we have not ruled a foreign land;

we have liberated the land of our forefathers from foreign occupation."

(Maccabees I, Chapter 15, verse 33)

End Arab occupation of the Land of Israel: Judea to the Jews, Arabia to Arabs!


He who is merciful with the cruel, will end-up being cruel to the merciful - Kohelet Rabba 7:16


In less than three decades Israel has gone from being a country that frees hostages

to one that frees terrorists - Michael Freund on the 30th anniversary of Entebbe -


"Rabbi Simlai said in the name of Rabbi El'azar son of Rabbi Shim'on: [Mashiach]

Ben David does not come until all judges and police in Israel will be done with"

Talmud Sanhedrin 98a


"Kol She'En Bo De'a, Assur LeRachem 'Alau" [Berakhoth 33a, Sanhedrin 92a]


On a visit to inter-war Berlin, Rabbi Yerucham Levovitz of Mirrer

witnessed household pets dressed in pants and sweaters.

He commented: "Where they treat animals as humans, in that

place they will slaughter humans as animals" and he quoted the verse

"Those who slaughter men will kiss their calves" (Hosea 13:2).


When terrorists kill a Jew in Erets Israel , there are two responsible parties: the terrorists

and the government that allows it. - Rabbi Meir Kahana, ZTUQ"L, HI"D