Wednesday, 4 January 2012

I know a lot of you follow Pamela Geller / Atlas Shrugs, but just in case you don't or missed this - it's unbelievable! If the video doesn't come through - follow that link, you MUST see it. Gail Mitchell

Leslie Stahl to Eric Cantor: Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew Jew!

The tarnished gold-plated standard of journalism, 60 Minutes' Leslie Stahl, goes on a Jew tirade against Eric Cantor that you have to see to believe. It's a jaw dropper (as is her red lipstick application. Who applied, Helen Keller?) The great pity is that Eric Cantor didn't respond to this depraved social xray with right answers.
Stahl pounded Cantor for being Jewish and Republican as if the talmud commands membership in the Dem slavery party.
That said, most religious Jews are to the right. Most lovers of Hashem are on the right. The godless cultural Jews (who do not speak for Jews) worship at the church of human secularism. Their church, the church of socialism is their religion.
Tikun Olam does not mean steal people's work and money and give it arbitrarily to others. That is not Judaism, that is slavery. Tikun Olam means 'repair the world', like, for example, the work I engage in at Altas on a daily basis. Tikun olam, defeat evil fight for truth. The left has attempted to co-opt "tikun olam", but hey it's what they do, they steal. They do not begin to understand what it actually means.
I would love to see Stahl pound imams, religious leaders and Muslim congressmen on the true teachings of jihad and Islam. lml.
In a just world, Stahl would be reassigned to Michael Moore's outhouse. Check out the Stahl freak show:
Moon Battery
Bad Jew, bad! Never mind how Obama has been treating Israel, you’re all supposed to conform to caricature and be Democrats. Looking unnervingly like the Crypt Keeper, Leslie Stahl administers a sound whipping to Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) for escaping the Democrat plantation:
The assumption that only those who embrace socialism care about the poor is so ingrained in statist apparatchiks like Leslie Stahl that she probably has no idea how absurd she sounds to anyone outside her smug bubble of liberal elitism. Obviously freedom has alleviated far more poverty that socialism, as a comparison of North and South Korea easily confirms. Too bad Cantor didn’t make the case.
korea at night
Which ideology alleviates poverty?