Thursday 5 January 2012

Labour Finally Comment

“We disagree with Diane’s tweet. It is wrong to make sweeping generalisations about any race, creed, or culture. The Labour Party has always campaigned against such behaviour – and so has Diane Abbott.”

Time for an apology, or it won’t be the last comment they have to make about their Shadow Health Minister…

UPDATE: Firstly there was this:

And now this:

“I understand people have interpreted my comments as making generalisations about white people. I do not believe in doing that. I apologise for any offence caused.”

It comes as no surprise that Guido’s speculation that it was Ed on the phone turned out to be correct. It sounds like she has a gun to her head. Why did this take hours? Thought it was “taken out of context”? A long morning…

Abbott Breaks Cover With Classic “Context” Line

As predicted, it’s the “context”line. Diane Abbott has broken cover to say: “tweet taken out of context. Refers to nature of 19th century European colonialism. Bit much to get into 140 characters.”Except that isn’t quite true, Abbott was mid-conversation about generalisations and race and used the present tense. She also had 34 characters left in the Tweet. Terrible holding statement, and no apology. Over to you Ed…

Diane Abbott’s “White People” Tweet Rage

Diane Abbott is never far from controversy, especially online. Remember the time she tweeted Labour’s latest poll results during the two-minute Remembrance Day silence? Well there can no blaming a staffer for yesterday’s tweet, that has caused uproar across all parties. At a time when the media is having a long overdue conversation about racism, Abbott is refusing to see that there is anything wrong with slamming an entire group of people based on the colour of their skin. She is a Shadow Minister and represents a constituency that is 61% white…

Sections 17 to 29 of the Public Order Act 1986 are pretty clear on statements like this. They cover deliberately provoking hatred of a racial group, distributing racist material to the public, and perhaps most notably in this case, inciting inflammatory rumours about an ethnic group, for the purpose of spreading racial discontent. Or perhaps a “sorry” would be more appropriate…

Diane Abbott in 2010:

“The Labour Party should never get involved in the politics of racial division.”

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What the Yanks Are Saying | ConHomeUSA
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