Sunday 8 January 2012

Flashback: Ed Miliband Relaunch June 2011 |
Italy’s Fiscal Fascism | Zero Hedge
Ed Miliband, Wally | Marina Hyde
Disruptive Publishing | Samizdata
Abbott Upsets the Cabbies | Standard
If Ed Wants Cred He Must Fire Balls | Nick Wood
Rebekah Brooks’ PA Arrested for PCJ | Guardian
You Must Not Overreact to Twitter | John Kampfner
‘Fabian’ Miliband Lookalike Tweets Death Threats | Jewish Chronicle
How I Started the Diane Abbott Twitter Storm | Bim Adewunmi
Lee Jasper, Exposed | Boris Backer
What Will Ed Do? | Cranmer
Sack Her | ConHome
Was Abbott Racist? | Telegraph
The Left are Losing Every Argument | Peter Oborne

Previously Seen

Marina Hyde succinctly sums up contemporary British politics…

“…the overriding impression is that Ed Miliband’s Labour don’t know what they’re doing. And while the other lot don’t know what they’re doing, and in a far more worrying way, they manage to go about not knowing it with considerably more finesse.”

LibDem’s All Time Biggest Donor Arrested

Vince Cable once attacked the “pin-striped Scargills” of banking, adding for good measure that the LibDems didn’t rely on friends in the City for funding. No, not any more.

The biggest donor in the history of the Liberal Democrat Party was one pin-striped Michael Brown, who gave them £2.4 million for a front-row seat sipping champagne next to Charlie Kennedy. He turned out to be a pin-striped thief and was charged with money laundering, fraud and theft before he went on the run. He has been arrested in the Dominican Republic…