Thursday 5 January 2012


1. Police Prepared To Murder To Conceal Corruption Says NOTW Journalist

Former News of the World reporter Paul McMullan
Appearing at the Leveson Inquiry, former News of the World reporter Paul McMullan made some damning allegations against Establishment figures. The most damning of all was his ‘allegation’ that police officers are prepared to commit murder to prevent their corruption being exposed. Was this an innuendo to the murder of Daniel Morgan? The slain private detective was about to expose extensive corruption in the Met ‘Police’ but was cut down with an axe before he opened his mouth. The connections between corrupt cops and NOTW journo-crooks are well documented now and there is much more to come… Trying to expose police corruption in Britain is a mammoth task. The press are not interested in exposing bent cops and News International have never been in that business. One Click Note: Despite the showboat brouhaha going on over at the Leveson Inquiry with 17 journalists arrested, but one bent copper has to date been formally questioned. This is disgraceful. Corruption, arrogance and one hand washing the other appear endemic amongst the boyz in blue and this goes further than money. The recently published Filkin Report goes no way to allaying concerns.
Information Release, News Alliance UK
Related Links:
Bent Britain: The Best Police Force Money Can Buy
The One Click Group
The Bugger, Bugged
Hugh Grant, New Statesman

Dr Andrew Wakefield - Is this a litigious Texan publicity stunt?

Dr Andrew Wakefield
Never far from controversy and its antecedent publicity, Dr Andrew Wakefield has launched a libel action against the British Medical Journal, Brian Deer and BMJ Editor, Dr Fiona Godlee in the Travis Court, Texas. See full court particulars published. No specified amount for damages is being claimed. Andrew Wakefield was struck off the UK Medical Register in 2010 by the General Medical Council that essentially claimed his behaviour was dishonest. Since Wakefield has failed to Appeal the GMC decision that found him dishonest in 2010, it seems extraordinary that he is now taking this litigious step in Texas. Is this merely a highly ill-advised mickey mouse Wakefield publicity stunt or has this doctor lost the plot we ask?
The One Click Group
Related Links:
Lancet Retracts Wakefield Et Al Paper After GMC Dishonesty Findings
Andrew Jack, The Financial Times
Findings Of Fact - Summary, Wakefield et al
General Medical Council
Findngs Of Fact - Full, Wakefield et all
General Medical Council

3. Atos should be subjected to rigorous capability test

Complaints about the system to test whether people are entitled to incapacity benefits or are capable of work have been growing relentlessly in the six years since the French company Atos was awarded the £100 million a year contract to assess claimants for the Government. Teething troubles could have been expected and even excused if they had resulted in lessons learned and adjustments made. Quite the opposite appears to be the case. So many claimants are now going to appeal tribunals that extra sittings are being held on Saturdays across the UK (including Hamilton and Dundee) to deal with the growing backlog of cases. That number is multiplying as the success rate of appeals grows. Citizens Advice Scotland now wins 69% of appeals at tribunals. This partly reflects their growing expertise at recognising flawed decisions but if it is obvious to a third-sector advice agency that so many of Atos's cases have been mishandled, it must be possible for the company to review its procedures to ensure the correct outcome. It is time Atos was subjected to a rigorous work capability test because on current performance it should no longer qualify for employment support.
The Herald, Scotland
Related Links:
Labour, 'Benefit Scroungers' and Rightwing Fool's Gold
Willard Foxton, Huffington Post

How the British Welfare State will be abolished

This seems incredible now, but I am absolutely sure that it will happen (or at least, that it will be tried). In 30 or 40 years (or less) it is entirely possible there will simply be no 'dole' no housing benefit, no help for the poor, and no jobs. The tabloid press*, much of it owned by multi-millionaires, fill their pages with accounts of people “milking the system.” By constant repetition they create new forms of word association, constructing a cultural underclass. “Welfare” is invariably associated with “scroungers.” “Bogus” invariably describes “asylum seekers.” They accept that there is a group of deserving poor, whose situation has arisen from “genuine misfortune” (which seemingly excludes refugees caught up in wars), but when these groups appear in their pages it is because they have been let down by the state, which is devoting its efforts to the undeserving. And as a growing body of research shows, this continuous diet of hate does make a difference.
Hidari, Media Lens Message Board
Related Links:
The assault on universalism: how to destroy the welfare state
Martin McKee & David Stuckler, British Medical Journal
Protest against Welfare reform Bill
Disabled People Against Cuts