Sunday 8 January 2012

Roger Bootle

Roger Bootle

Roger Bootle is one of the City's leading economists.

In his column he sheds light on how the UK and world

economies are performing and the challenges facing the

world's policymakers.

Click here to find out more!


With the crisis close to its worst point, 2012 will be the critical year for the eurozone

The place to start any review of the year ahead is with mea culpas for the year just passed. As usual, I have my fair share of them. But this time my forecast errors have a remarkable characteristic.

02 Jan 2012


If the euro is saved then Britain should quit the EU and say good riddance

The season of good cheer may be upon us but in this, my last column of the year, I want to discuss the attractions of good riddance. My subject is Britain’s relations with the EU.

18 Dec 2011