Ron Paul Can't be Bought Finding Truth Light Up the World with Torah Is Our Declaration of Independence Still Valid?
Heritage with state chapters has been promoting Charter Schools where unelected people run schools without any oversight. Charlotte Iserbyt, a former U.S. Department of Education employee said regardless of how good a Charter school may be, it is “taxation without representation” and, although those promoting them decry the influence of the U.S. Department of Education on local schools, charter schools must.....
by Betty Freauf
What does it mean when politicians say things like “Cutting the budget must be done fairly. It must be fair to the ‘have nots’ as well as the ‘haves’.” Since more ‘have nots’ than ‘haves’ vote, and since political speeches are designed to gain votes, it’s pretty clear that Obama is seeking the votes of the ‘have nots’ and is willing to instigate class warfare to gain them -- truth be damned. It is particularly interesting that.......
by Marilyn Barnewall
National Geographic Magazine’s final issue for 2011 featured—wait for it—the Bible! That’s right; the publication whose motto is “Inspiring people to care about the planet” put the Bible on its cover. Well, it is nice to have National Geographic confirm my view--the Bible is crucial for the well-being of the planet after all. Their story speaks of the King James translation of the Bible and opens with this sentence.....
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin
We live in the greatest nation ever devised by man. We can elect our leaders. Most nations can’t do that. This means that we can determine where our nation goes. Will we go the way of the USSR, Cuba, Venezuala, China? Or will we rebuild America to its former greatness? What will you tell your grandkids that you did? I will tell mine that I did everything I could to rebuild America......
by Pastor Roger Anghis
Sunday, 1 January 2012
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Britannia Radio