Saturday 7 January 2012

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Analysis: the Two-State Solution is Dead

Will Obama Resurrect it … by Beating Iran?

An important, in-depth analysis over here.

In fact, Jordan is the Palestinian state (actually, one of two Arab states in historic Palestine if you count Hamas-ruled Gaza) and should be renamed as such. Logically speaking, the King should retire, the monarchy should be replaced by a genuine democracy, and the governments in Amman and Jerusalem should negotiate a mutually acceptable arrangement for the disputed western bank territories and eastern Jerusalem that would address Israeli security concerns, the need for Jerusalem to remain Israel's undivided capital, and Palestinian nationalist feelings. As for Gaza, it's a real mess. In theory, it could be politically linked to the East Bank-based Palestinian state; but a land corridor, as called for by President Obama, is out of the question. Israel (the Jewish State in historic Palestine, reborn with blood and fire in the historic and religious homeland of the Jewish people) cannot allow itself to be cut into two pieces to satisfy Obama's obsession--creation of a "contiguous Palestinian state."

But logic (and legal arguments) may not count for much. Ditto for economic-oriented solutions. Economics is about wealth; politics is about power, getting it and preserving it. Israel is powerful, but not powerful enough, militarily, to defeat Iran through conventional means alone. Assuming neither Israel nor the United States wants to see Israel forced into a situation in which it will be compelled to draw on its presumed nuclear arsenal in order to prevent its cites from being demolished by Iranian/Hezbollah/Syrian missiles, U.S. help in the coming conflict with Iran and its proxy (and probably also its Syrian ally) is crucial; and the conflict is coming, make no mistake about it--a matter ofwhen, not if. Click here to read an exclusive and most relevant report.

This reporter believes that Obama intends to run for reelection as the President who killed Osama Bin Laden … and ended the Iranian nuclear threat. The price to Israel could well be a commitment to basically withdraw to pre-June 1967 boundaries in order to make way for establishment of a second Arab state in Palestine comprised of the so-called West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza … with the dreaded land corridor, to boot.

As Palestine's former Mandate-era masters are fond of saying, at the end of the day, the Jordanian monarchy is probably doomed, anyhow, and the newly created mini-state will be irredentist to the core, aiming to absorb the East Bank … ahead of conquering Israel. Obama's contiguous Palestinian state is a prescription for further fighting.

The road to peace in Palestine, if such a path exists at all at this awful stage of what used to be called the Arab-Israeli conflict, runs through Tehran … and Amman.

A Month into WWII, FDR Urged Vigilance Against Pro-Nazi Groups

This Day in History -- FDR Warns US Must
Be Vigilant Against Pro-Nazi Organizations

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7, 1942 (JTA) –Anti-Semitic organizations in America will be taken under special observation, it was indicated here today as a result of President Roosevelt's message yesterday to the reassembled seventy-seventh Congress, in which the President went out of his way to emphasize that this country "must be particularly vigilant against racial discrimination in any of its ugly forms."

Reports reaching Washington today from various parts of the country reveal that in a number of cities the police have raided meetings held by organizations known to be anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi, including a meeting of the Christian Front last night in Boston. Simultaneously Francis P. Moran, Boston director of the Christian Front, was reported today to have voluntarily appeared before the Boston Police Commissioner and to have surrendered 11,000 books and pamphlets as well as records of the Christian Front.

Meanwhile, the trial of George Hill, secretary of Rep. Hamilton Fish, opened here today. Hill is charged with perjury in connection with his testimony concerning the disappearance of several bags of mail, allegedly containing pro-Axis material, and his denial that he was acquainted with George Sylvester Viereck, indicted German propagandist.

In his historic message to Congress yesterday, President Roosevelt said: "We must guard against divisions among ourselves and among all the other United Nations. We must be particularly vigilant against racial discrimination in any of its ugly forms. Hitler will try again to breed mistrust and suspicion between one individual and another, one group and another, one race and another, one government and another. He will try to use the same technique of falsehood and rumor-mongering with which he divided France from Britain. He is trying to do this even now; but he will find a unity, a unity of will and purpose against him which will persevere until the destruction of all his black designs upon the freedom and people of the world."

Friday, January 06, 2012

Forbidden Solution: Torah Jubilee

Any rational, impartial observer can see that the overburdened, global, debt-ridden system is running out of steam and into a brick world, and that austerity measures are not the answer. The economy is not an eco-system. Economic laws are not physical laws. There is a world of difference between money owed by families and companies and money owed by countries. Crushing the poor, pauperizing the middle class, grinding ordinary folks into dust … all that is not only immoral. It is a prescription for chaos, anarchy, violent unrest, and, ultimately, some form of fascism. Click here and here to read about Jubilee.

The Headline We Never Expected to Write: Russian Diplomat Defends Freedom in Face of UN/NATO-Backed Islamist Advance

Read all about it here and here, and here, also.

Terrorist Bombing Rocks Damascus

West Ready to Tap Strategic Oil Supplies

War is clearly coming, as this Reuters report indicates.

Appeasement of Iran has made war with Iran inevitable.

Coincidence or Conspiracy? Did an 1898 Novel, The Wreck of the Titan, Inspire History's Greatest Maritime Insurance Fraud?

Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan is an 1898 novella written by Morgan Robertson. The story features the ocean liner Titan, which sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg. The Titan and its sinking have been noted to be very similar to the real-life passenger ship RMS Titanic, which sank 14 years later. -Wikipedia

Did Morgan Robertson's novel inspire Titanic's principal owner, J.P. Morgan (pictured on the left), and his partners to switch the ship with its hopelessly damaged sister ship, Olympic, and turn the sisters into twins, in order to sink the Olympic and collect otherwise un-collectable insurance money, thus saving their firm from bankruptcy? Did the plot go horribly wrong when the Olympic/Titanic hit an iceberg, and the Morgan-owned rescue ship was too far from the struck vessel to save its passengers and crew? Why were the surviving crew members detained, isolated, photographed and treated like criminals upon their return to England before being allowed to reunite with their families? Click, read, watch….

POSTSCRIPT: Robertson was found dead (conveniently?) in an Atlantic City hotel room in 1915. The cause of death was believed to have been a drug overdose.

Saudis Tell US Iran Intends to Provoke Clash

Turkey Intensifies Purge of Military

A senior general arrested, as Turkey's Islamist regime proceeds to purge and remake the traditional guardian of the country's secular system. Click here for the story.

Notice how sources quoted in the Reuters report confuse democratization with Islamization. The confusion is deliberate, and in line with the Obama administration's support for the Turkish regime and for rightwing political Islam in general--in the name of democracy.

Washington Post Misrepresents Pro-Islamist as 'Pro-Democracy'

Major mis/disinformation from the Washington Post. Click here to read the piece.

Fact is, the Obama administration is overtly pro-Islamist, seeing rightwing political and overlapping organized Islam as fundamentally progressive and pliable, on the right side of history, etc. Al Qaeda, so-called irreconcilable Taliban, and the current Iranian regime are the only Islamists not regarded by the administration as OK to engage (attempt to collaborate with). Killing Bin Laden and decimating Al Qaeda has provided the administration with valuable political cover for its pro-Islamist policy.

Obama (of "the Muslim World") has engaged the Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey's Islamist regime. After taking office, he appeased and tried to engage the Iranian regime, seeking to enter into a Grand Bargain with the monstrous mullahocracy. But he was rebuffed.

Understand, as Obama likes to say, that his foreign policy represents a break with tradition. Previous administrations were covertly pro-Islamist, dating to the Eisenhower administration's embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood and other arms of rightwing political Islam (and rightwing extremists, in general, including imported Nazi war criminals and collaborators) in the name of fighting Communism.

The old foreign policy was impressively bipartisan. The secret Afghan intervention, for example, which unleashed the global jihad, began under Carter (Brzezinski was the architect) and continued under Reagan. He escalated the intervention into America's largest-ever covert operation, spending $3 billion of taxpayer money to support the worst scum on earth … some of whom subsequently slaughtered 3,000 Americans on American soil on September 11, 2001.

Reagan hailed the Afghan Islamists and drug-dealing warlords as freedom fighters--the "moral equivalent of America's founding fathers."

Obama has hailed Islamist-ruled Turkey as an oxymoronic, model Islamic/Islamist democracy.

Under Obama, the United States and its NATO allies helped Al Qaeda-linked, Islamist-led Libyan rebels come to power--with the support of John McCain, who called them "freedom fighters" and "heroes."

Obama's betrayal and abandonment of Egypt's President Mubarak recalls Carter's betrayal and abandonment of Iran's Shah.

Decade after decade, the prestige press has cooperated, done its part, worked hard to keep Americans ignorant.

The beat goes on.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Turkey Screws America on Iran


Obama's strategy fails again! After allowing Iran precious time to develop nuclear weapons, by appeasing and attempting to engage (align with) the Islamic Republic, Obama (of "the Muslim World") turned to backing Turkey's Islamist regime (and the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood) with the aim of countering Iran and pacifying the Middle East (and increasing U.S. influence across the "Arc of Islam"). Turkey was held up as a model of Islamist "moderation" and "Islamic democracy." But Turkey, in spite of its neo-Ottoman foreign policy and related imperialist rivalry with Iran--and natural concerns about Iran's nuclear program--disappoints. In an impressive bridging of Islamic/Islamist theological/political differences, Turkey, a full NATO member, won't cooperate with the U.S. if (rather, when) it attacks Iran. Click here for the report.

Abandoned US Ally Threatened With Death


Hangman's Noose Held High by Bloodthirsty Mob
Outside Kangaroo Court; Mubarak Sons Tried, too

Ousted Egyptian Leader Could Die Like Iraqi Despot

White House Seems Shockingly Indifferent
to Plight of Arab President Who Preserved
Peace Pact With Israel for Three Decades,
Helped America Combat Al Qaeda Terror