Selling our America NDAA Follow-up and Further Treasonous Acts Support Kansans for Vaccine Rights’ Conscientious Exemption HB 2094
Obama may not have fallen off the turnip truck long enough ago to have learned how to effectively manage a nation, but he didn't fall off that turnip truck yesterday. He knows that a political approval rating below 39% means Democrats are already secretly weighing their options of lining up to challenge him in 2012. Odds-makers still aren't calling it an even money bet that Hillary Clinton will make another stab at the job. They're waiting for Obama's poll numbers to drop a little bit more—in 2012......
by Jon Christian Ryter
The federal government has enjoyed a long train of usurpation of powers through legislative trickery such as what we have seen over the past 50 years, from both sides of the isle. It is not a Republican or Democrat issue it is a Liberty and Tyranny issue. If we do not fight this now through the peaceful channels left for us we will undoubtedly fight them in the most horrific way. I have seen the horror of battle first hand and.......
by Michael LeMieux
If you value freedom of choice in health care decisions for your children in Kansas go to and sign the petition to show your support for the conscientious exemption option in State-Mandated Vaccinations HB 2094. Those from out-of-state may also sign the petition. Although Kansas legislators will consider only those residents in Kansas, it sends a message to other states who will be watching......'Hommedieu/stephen104.htm
by Dr Stephen L'Hommedieu
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
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Britannia Radio