Thursday 5 January 2012

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Abandoned US Ally Threatened With Death


Hangman's Noose Held High by Bloodthirsty Mob
Outside Kangaroo Court; Mubarak Sons Tried, too

Ousted Egyptian Leader Could Die Like Iraqi Despot

White House Seems Shockingly Indifferent
to Plight of Arab President Who Preserved
Peace Pact With Israel for Three Decades,
Helped America Combat Al Qaeda Terror

China Rife With N. Korean Coup Rumors

Is the Supreme Leader sharing or fighting for control? Has he been betrayed by his uncle and older brother? Chinese Internet users are buzzing about North Korean coup rumors, as reported here.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Next Phase in Egypt Revolution

Libya Facing New Civil War

Romney's Animal Cruelty is Serious

GOP Frontrunner's Dog Abuse is No Joke

The phony, flip-flopping Massachusetts liberal/born-again Conservative is not suitable to be President of the United States. Period. Click here for the sickening story. No decent American … nobody who loves and appreciates animals … nobody who loves dogs … can vote for this person.

The Mormon Bishop would be more at home in the Middle East--more specifically, in Muslim lands, where cruelty to dogs, and to animals in general, is a way of life.

A cleric … who is cruel to his dog … for President?


Iran to Washington: 'Learn to Fear Us'


Tuesday, January 03, 2012

MB Expected to Become 'More Savage'

N. Korea Abuzz With Rumors, Gossip

Wild rumors abound, as reported here.