Monday, 2 January 2012


>> SUNDAY, JANUARY 01, 2012

You can always rely on the cringeworthy Archbishop of Canterbury and the totally barking Camilla Batmanghelidjh to pop up on the BBC and trot out their neo-Marxist agenda without any counter point. Such is the case today with both these sopping wet leftists afforded a platform to tell us that the feral rioters of last summer were misunderstood angels with dirty faces that "we" have let down. No one asked to comment who might hold a contrary view.


Hello and welcome to the first post of 2012. With all the hype surrounding the new Sherlock Holmes movie, I started thinking about the old Holmes story "The adventure of the Silver Blaze". You may have read it as it
contains this wonderful exchange;

Inspector Gregory:"Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?"
Holmes: "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time."
Inspector Gregory "The dog did nothing in the night-time."
"That was the curious incident," remarked Sherlock Holmes.
Now, the Euro has just turned 10 years old and as Damian Thompson points out here, the BBC were to the fore in their Europhoria for "the project" back then...
I’ve been looking back at the Beeb’s coverage of that historic event. For today’s teenagers who don’t remember the original reporting, let me try to capture its flavour for you: “OMG! This is so AMAZING, guys!!! You can use the same coins in Germany and Greece! Can’t wait till we join!!! It’ll be SO TOTALLY AWESOME.” Honestly, I’m barely exaggerating. “Euphoria in euroland” was the opening line on the Ten Clock News on January 1 2002. Euphoria at Television Centre might be a better description.
And ten years on as it faces collapse? Silence. Yes, there is a headline informing us that "European Leaders" predict a "difficult" 2012 but the sheer SCALE of the looming collapse of the Eurozone as we know it is being carefully sanitised with little discussion if any concerning the political hubris and fiscal folly from the "European Leaders" that brought this all about.

The Mail picks up on the story as well here.
Curious indeed.


George R spotted this New Year gem in the Mail on Sunday about how the BBC were euphoric ten years ago when euro notes and coins were introduced. Actually, it's not the first time this classic BBC 'we love the EU' material has been used. Glen Owen has probably recycled it from Peter Oborne's Guilty Men paper for the CPS published in September which I highlighted here. That's not to denigrate Mr Owen's piece, it's great that the MSM is finally waking up to just how biased the BBC has been for so long in its coverage of the EU. And what's also interesting is that, apparently, a cross-party group of MPs, including Labour's Kate Hoey and the impressive Philip Hollobone are to meet BBC News chief Helen Boaden sometime soon to discuss the sustained bias in EU coverage. There's lorryloads of evidence, as this site shows. What's the guessing though that Ms Boaden will do her usual and deny all? Even though the BBC on this issue - as with AGW and Israel - is so nakedly partisan?