Saturday, 18 February 2012

Daily Crux reader,

Here is your Crux AM update:

OUTRAGE: A "hidden clause" in Obama's mortgage settlement deal you won't believe
"It turns the notion that this is about justice and accountability on its head..."

Federal Reserve president: "There will be no QE3"
"I think it's a fantasy of Wall Street... It's not going to happen..."

More evidence that banks are secretly preparing for a Greek default
"Dozens of people have now come forward..."

Four surprising facts about new cars today
"Moore's law applies to cars, too..."

Jim Rogers: Stop paying attention to the government
If you don't, "you are not going to make a lot of money"...

This beaten-up gold stock just approved a BIG dividend increase
Now among the highest-yielding gold miners...


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux